Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Why don’t you? You’re the dumb one here

An argument about dogs is not a jumping off point to relitigate old political disagreements - at the least this is not the thread for those discussions.


okay, I don’t even know who he is or what his stances are on other subjects

Unless some posts got orwelled down the memory hole, I think the argument about dogs is (was?) the old (new) political disagreement.

If there’s one thing I learned from my Dog Blog it’s that Dog Talk is never really About Dogs. Putting all the other stuff aside, at the very least it’s a discussion of potentially spurious thinking in general.

Which is putting it mildly of course; @bigt2k4 seems to believe that Canis Familaris defies science and I suspect that this is partially why Ripdog is shocked and appalled. My personal conjecture is that people of this view need to compartmentalize some part of life in an orderly fashion and they’re not allowed to do so with people anymore. And this doesn’t necessarily only mean what it sounds like on its face, that they’re finding an outlet for racist tendencies; rather, it speaks to a more broad desire to have something behave in an orderly fashion, because in the Nature v Nurture debate the Nurture side is total disorder and chaos.

I believe this is correct, there was (briefly) a post in which a third party posted a screenshot of a completely unrelated post by one of the arguers.

That makes more sense. I don’t think Bigt2k4 nor Ripdog saw that.

Finally found a cop who didn’t kill his victim.


Ramirez suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head south of I-75 south of Tampa, according to a Monday afternoon statement by the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. The gunshot wound came after Ramirez had been involved in some sort of domestic dispute at a Tampa-area hotel, and had been asked to leave by hotel staff, the sheriff’s office said, confirming a statement by Sheriff Chad Chronister that was first reported by NBC 6.

Too much of an incompetent coward to even off himself properly.

Lol, I shouldn’t laugh as I’ve done that at least 6 times though.

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lol seriously?

I did it once while high on pills and still didn’t make it more than 10 feet away from the pump.

Got a random “recommended for you” article on Facebook and clicked it out of curiosity. Don’t know where it was, but a lady spent $2 at a McDonald’s drive-thru and the cashier asked if she’d like to pay it forward for the person behind her. It was $17. She said no. The cashier told her it was a police officer and people usually pay for cops’ food at that McD’s. Cashier was perturbed. The lady basically said fuck no, and then said, “In this car, our blood type is ACAB.”


Dafuq? Has anyone seen this happen in real life?

of course not, I think I left my side fuel thing open once in my life (not the cap, but the panel part)

What a shitshow.


My god there was so much chaos there.

Suspect crashes car and runs away.
Dog bites cop.
Cops crash into each other.
Cops drive up hill and almost hit 18 wheeler.
Suspect falls and almost gets run over by 18 wheeler.
Cops release dog again and it runs into the woods.
Cops clothesline surrendering suspect.
Cops allow dog to finally attack suspect, after he’s on ground being detained.

Just absurd all around



I think the dog attacking the suspect when he was on the ground may be because the handler wasn’t around and the other cops didn’t know what to do.

The one cop grabs him by the collar from behind and pulls him off, but just holds him there.

This has to be an S tier skit from the show. Its so good