Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?


Imagine doing this and then thinking you are not a racist. The human mind is amazing.

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You’re the real racist, they don’t even see race when they’re issuing fake tickets to fake white people! Some of their best fake friends are black!


Who all was fired/prosecuted over this?

I guarantee the “other side” looks at this and thinks “look at the stupid stuff these dumb rules make our troopers do, if brown people are getting more tickets it’s because they deserve them!”


4 cops were caught doing hundreds of fake tickets and the biggest penalty was a 10 day suspension.

This is it.

What a weird coincidence that every single time a cop makes up a story about a crime committed against them it’s always a non white person doing it

Easy now


Police give conflicting orders. Suspect tries to follow them as best he can. They sick a dog on him as he’s standing with his hands up. Internal investigation finds “no excessive force”.

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You know that cop was just itching to use the dog

3 years of training needs to be put to use somehow…

I have an intact male Pointer and I’ve been to offleash public dog areas and normally every young dog fawns over him for being an alpha leader type so they actively try to kiss him and submit to him.

There was a 5 month old female that was already being territorial over her owner and she liked my dog who eventually convinced her to play, but it took a while as she was being extremely possessive of her owner. It was a Malinois…do not get a malinois ever!

Are you scared of pitties too? Malinous are not the fucking problem here and calling them out instead of assholes who made them that way is beyond dumb.

Certain dogs have traits that were bred into them, raising them a certain way doesn’t change what they were bred for.





Luckily it didn’t seem like the injuries were too severe as the victim was able to engage in conversation after the arrest, specifically:

“You just let that dog bite me!”

“You should have stopped.”

“I did stop.”

“You should have stopped 20 miles ago.”


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Doubling down on stupid puts you in Ron Desantis territory. Great show here buddy. Fuck off.