Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

The venn diagram of people who donated to the NYC subway murderers gofundme and the people who fully support the Orlando guy being charged with attempted murder is a circle.

I heard about the Orlando case and they are INSISTING that “drugs” were found, no idea what drugs. But no gun was found and the “suspect” is indeed dead.

Family golden retriever shot by good guy with gun, neighborhood lets him know how they feel about him (nsfw)

I would be in prison if I witnessed that.


Why did I even watch that? I know better.

It might be hard to get a jury to convict. Just need one dog lover on the jury.

I hate dogs and wouldn’t convict someone who shot the cop after that.

Wtf. The dangerous golden posed what threat exactly?

This is where he got killed in downtown Orlando, which they are claiming is a drug spot or some bullshit.

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wish i hadn’t watched it, but seeing that dog try to drag itself away using only it’s front legs and eventually dying has me sitting here really wondering how i would react if it was my dog.

interesting a little bit actually, bc as much as it’s been burnt into my brain over many interactions with the police that fighting them = bad results, the rage i had just watching the video makes me really curious.

my hope is that (unlike the woman, who literally ignored the dog to yell and threaten to sue the cop) i would have instinctually gone to comfort my dog. let him know it’s okay and that he’s been the best boy.

after he dies though… man i dunno. i worry that in the moment, i’d get overwhelmed with thoughts of replaying this over and over in my head for decades and hating myself for not ‘doing something’. that the cop still clearly had his gun out and probably wouldn’t accept me trying to beat him to death probably doesn’t matter.

i also worry that i’d be able to control my physical aggression but not be able to stop myself from letting him know that i’m going to find where he lives and nothing in the world will stop me, not prison, not fear of injury, from making him suffer. obviously in adrenaline-pumped, vulgar language.

what i came up with thinking about it was: pretty sure i’d be able to stop myself from either immediately attacking him or letting those urges win in the aftermath. but i’d end up threatening to kill/hurt him and/or anyone close to him once i find out who he is. probably getting arrested bc once that switch is flipped, the anger is gonna get me carried away.

also, i would never, ever be able to forget it or in some ways, move on. he would become my hobby. my ocd and revenge wouldn’t allow me to lay in bed at night without thinking about how to catch him slipping for months, i’d bet. which… ugh.

i’ve lived alone with my dog for years. a cop needlessly shooting him multiple times in front of me might end up defining my life. being completely honest with myself, i don’t know if i’m capable of surviving that without an outlet. and that outlet is very likely to be finding a way to hurt that cop.


You are not abnormal. If someone shot my dog like that, both I and the shooter would have a very very bad day. Shit, a family “friend” once kicked my dog for no reason besides cruelty, and I happened to see it. That was a bad day for him.


What would happen is he’ll plant drugs on you and throw you in jail for 5 years at the first sign of tension

Not to make light, but this the whole reason for John Wick. People love their dogs. They are not some disposable annoyance to be discarded by lazy police. But I think police shoot dogs more frequently than we might guess just so they don’t have to mess with them. Plus they get the rush of murdering something.

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According to incident reports, the other man told deputies that after Whitten approached and started yelling, he climbed out of his boat and told Whitten to back away. He began pushing Whitten away with his stomach with help from another person in the group

Whitten claimed the man hit him in the face, knocking him down, but the man said he never hit Whitten and that he fell because he was drunk. Deputies noticed Whitten had abrasions on his forehead and nose, and that his behavior indicated he had a “considerable” amount of alcohol.

When Whitten fell down, he began proclaiming he was a police officer and was “flashing a badge around,” deputies were told.

This guy is an excellent follow. He posts videos often, mostly body cam footage, of cops violating 4th Amendment rights and then carefully explaining in plain language how they are doing it. It is very educational, if nothing else.

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Being named “Dakotah” you wonder if the kid ever had a chance

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dude couldn’t just fake a fentanyl poisoning by being in the same zip code as a contaminated ziplock baggie like the rest of his buddies?

So the white Jussie Smollett