Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people.

These cops are fucking idiots

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Fucking maniacs my god. And did that cop say “leave” twice and then draw on him and yell to stay when he started driving? Infuriating

Yea I can’t watch these videos. They make my blood boil. Once you are in that situation there is literally nothing you can do to appease these assholes.

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Spokane judge rips racist cops and judicial system, provides receipts.

If I was following my daughter somewhere and she got pulled over I’d probably pull over too. And he left a good distance between himself and the cop car and they still escalate it to defcon 1 ffs. Total compliance required. Treat me like god and follow orders while keeping your mouth shut or I’ll arrest you and injure you in the process. Resist and you might wind up dead


Not guns or robot dogs but tasering a 95 year old, 94lb dementia patient on a walking frame in Australia


DC cops were in on it


I think some valuable lessons will be learned when they review this footage in How Not to Conduct a Traffic Stop class.


The take away for the cops is gonna be that cops need to shoot more people.

I heard that the driver was a trans illegal globalist.

The driver here was actually the passenger at the beginning of the stop. Cops informed him of a warrant and the original driver got out and closed the door so he could slide over and take off.

I approve of what the sheriff is doing, but when I heard about this I definitely wondered about the consequences. I can understand the argument that this amounts to an illegal search.

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Cops hate illegal searches I hear

They looking for gang tats like “Back the Blue”?

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Maybe the investigators’ bodycams happened to malfunction when it happened?

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