Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

And oldie but a goodie


This quote explains so much about what is wrong with the police.



Seems kind of extreme for his supervisors to shoot him after a single absence


Republicans want more of these people in schools.

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Have authorities ruled out the involvement of a third-party? From what I’ve seen in this snippet and elsewhere online on this case, they’ve only said the shooting “involves an active duty officer”. Perhaps another officer shot them.

Seems like they corrected the headline.

If they believed a third party was involved, do you think they would be doing something other than aggressively searching for a suspected cop-killer?

Are they not aggressively searching?

They are not aggressively searching.

Looks like the matter was properly outsourced, and the investigation determined it was a murder-suicide. Of course, that wasn’t known until now, and it would have been improper to put that out before the independent investigation concluded. Imagine if they were wrong?

In the video, officers lead a handcuffed Bronstein into what the Bronstein family’s lawyers say is the station’s maintenance garage. An officer is heard telling him they have a court order to obtain a blood sample, and asks him to consent, which he is reluctant to do. Seated on his knees, Bronstein keeps asking why he has to go through the procedure.

One officer says, “This is your last opportunity. Otherwise you’re going face down on the mat and we’re gonna keep on going.” A few seconds later they start to force Bronstein face down on the mat, at which point he starts repeating, “I’ll do it willingly.” An officer is heard saying, “It’s too late."

As five officers pin him to the ground, Bronstein begins screaming as Baghalian works to take blood from his arm.

Bronstein screams “I can’t breathe” at least eight times as officers continue to forcibly restrain him. He can also be heard calling for help. After roughly two minutes, Bronstein goes silent, and Baghalian checks his pulse and injects him with something. He and the officers spend several minutes watching Bronstein, with officers at times calling out to him and gently slapping his face.

Several minutes later, one officer is heard saying, “Is he breathing? If he’s got a pulse and he’s not breathing, he still needs rescue, bro. Get some air in him.” Baghalian begins using a small bellows-type device to force air into Bronstein’s mouth. A couple minutes after that Baghalian begins chest compressions, and officers are seen preparing a defibrillator when the video ends.

In a statement, CHP Commissioner Sean Duryee said, “I am saddened that Mr. Bronstein died while in our custody and care.”

The coroner’s report said the cause of Bronstein’s death was “acute methamphetamine intoxication during restraint by law enforcement.”

While noting that “a review of the circumstances and surveillance footage, indicate a temporal relationship between the restraint and cardiac arrest,” the report said "due to absence of autopsy findings of asphyxia or fatal trauma, and the presence of methamphetamine, the role of the restraint could not be definitively … assessed in contributing to death. Therefore the manner of death is undetermined.”

lol coroners, a complete joke aspect of American society

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Yeah that part could’ve been The Onion. “He died from acute methamphetamine intoxication, but since it happened to occur at the very moment he was being asphyxiated by a gang of police we’re going to mark this one undetermined.”

whenever i see these settlement amounts, i just think, if these came out of police pension accounts rather than municipal taxpayers we’d probably eliminate all this bad apple stuff pretty quickly.


That’s just the scientific/medical community in general. Bastards are so afraid of being wrong they never stake out a definitive position on anything.

This is wrong on a couple levels. The quote is making a certain statement that is very likely to be incorrect. Also, coroner does not imply medical or scientific community, which is more what I’m getting at. It’s just some stooge most of the time. In some jurisdictions it’s the actual sheriff.

Just lol