Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

This one blows my mind.

She approached the officer with a knife… using a walking frame. Like. What the actual fucking fuck?

There will be accountability at least, the officer involved was charged and the charges will no doubt be upgraded given the woman’s death. If she’d survived I think he might have avoided jail time, but I doubt it now.

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shocked pikachu dot jaypeg

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Just a couple of bad apples, nothing to see here.

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Buries the lede. The story is more about how cops routinely hold people because it helps them get more overtime.


Shot after calling the cops?

21 foot rule

Lol this article


Cops really shouldn’t have guns.

A good start. Even if cops have some guns, but standard first response cops didn’t have guns and they didn’t come with guns unless there were confirmed suspects with weapons, they would lose only a small part of their deterrence. When cops arrest someone the reason people obey isn’t mostly because that cop has a gun. It’s because that cop can call an endless amount of backup with increasing fire power if necessary and if the cause is serious they will look for you forever anywhere in the country.


Agreed 100%.

I shouldn’t be more worried about the police shooting people dead in a state where almost anyone can conceal carry. Police are not held to any reasonable standards when it comes to firearm usage.

Would love that first responders didn’t have a gun, and leave that to a SWAT branch of the department. Now front line cops come in blasting and swat comes in to blow stuff up if anything is left.

Your point about people’s fear being the scope of the police and not their gun is spot on.

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Lively debate in the comments on whether this chase was a good idea.

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Town governments are worrying because no one wants to be a cop anymore.

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And the ones that do want to be cops never, ever should be.


Kind of a biased article. It’s not just DeSantis. It’s every police dept hiring everywhere that gets that distribution of monsters.

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I will now share, in their entirety, the lyrics to the song “I’m a Cop”

Fuck you, mister
Fuck your sister
Fuck your brother
Fuck your mother
Fuck your pop
Hey! I’m a cop!

Fuck you yuppie
Fuck your puppy
Fuck your baby
Fuck your lady
Yes I can
Hey! I’m the man!

This is of course not a real song. It’s from the Thomas Pynchon novel Vineland. I can’t remember which band performed this song, but it might have been Billy Barf and the Vomitones.