Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

And then, of course, claimed he was not complying.

End qualified immunity


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It’s pretty unreal that in addition to asset forfeiture we’ve got cops straight up stealing cash, on a regular basis. The HBO show We Own This City is all about the most egregious possible version of that happening in Baltimore, but I assume it’s basically unwritten cop code that this happens everywhere.


Not in the United States, but…

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There is literally no correct reaction to police to avoid them fucking you up just because. Regardless of circumstance, ANYTHING a person does can trigger a response.

It’s quite amazing.

I got my jaw broken after saying “hey what’s up?” To a guy. I realize now that guy probably went on to be a police officer.



Hey that money is “use it or lose it” and we ain’t gonna lose it.

Damn it, looks like they already took my idea for the #BlackHistoryMonth klan robe.

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Not the best timing after Memphis.

Soon, it may be easier for Fresno County Sheriff deputies to sweep large homeless encampments, as county officials recently approved a proposal to purchase a $450,000 custom vehicle for large homeless encampment sweep operations.

On Jan. 24, Fresno County Supervisors approved the county sheriff to purchase a new Ford F650 vehicle with a custom-built 22-foot van body, outfitted with office space, air conditioning, a bathroom, generator and power awning.

“The specialty vehicle will give the deputies and other agency personnel the ability to get out of the elements,” which can include extremely hot or cold weather while doing homeless encampment sweeps, according to a county report.

Beyond coordinating encampment sweeps, Weishaar added that the vehicle creates an indoor, air-conditioned space away from unsanitary conditions in homeless encampments.

“You as a human, just like any law enforcement officer as a human, is probably going to operate better and more efficiently the more comfortable the working conditions are,” said Deputy Doug Richardson, another member of the sheriff’s team that carries out encampment sweeps.

Dez Martinez, a local homelessness advocate, said it doesn’t make sense to her how public officials and law enforcement are able to see their own needs but completely ignore how unhoused people are asking for many of the same things.

“Why are we not using that $450,000 to house individuals, but we’re gonna use $450,000 so the officers can have a toilet to sit on?” Martinez said. “The unhoused people want a toilet to sit on too. They want to get out of the elements. They want a chair to sit at, a desk to sit at. They want to be treated like humans.”

“It’d be nice to be able to provide more housing and stuff like that, but law regulates how this money can be used,” said Weishaar, the Fresno Sheriff’s Office sergeant, adding that the new vehicle will benefit the agencies involved in homeless encampment sweeps and “hopefully help the homeless in some way.”

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So fucking let homeless people hang out in the $450,000 mobile home.

They will very briefly be hanging out on the front of it, and then underneath it.

Sad, sickening story.

A man was put into a jail freezer as punishment, where he froze to death. Jail officers claimed he was alive when put in the car and taken to the hospital. Video from the jail was leaked that shows otherwise. He was pronounced dead at the hospital with a rectal temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

So far, the only person in the entire department fired or disciplined over the incident is the person who leaked the video

That’s some Golden State Warriors shenanigans. (For those not familiar, one player on team punched other player on team in face and the organization was most worried about who leaked the video of it happening).

Police gave out munchies, then watched people get high — for training

As marijuana legalization spreads, a police department in Maryland is training officers to spot the signs of driving high by watching people toke up in a tent.

“This is weird to be doing this here,” she told a friend hunched over a glass bong.

“You should try being on the police side of it,” cracked an officer standing behind them, one of more than a dozen cops also in the tent.

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Man dies after being restrained in the jail’s walk in freeze for hours as punishment

Was he no angel?