Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Umm this body camera video seems pretty damning no?

Pigs said he got out of vehicle and moved toward them?

Good comment on reddit:

Amazing. Cop says, “What have cops ever done to you?” and proceeds to kill the man within 20 seconds of putting an anti anxiety pill on his tongue. Why are people afraid of cops?

Here’s the full video:

It’s sadly ironic that he told them that he didn’t like cops because they tell him to stop resisting and he gets beaten, and then these fuckers tell him to stop resisting and then shoot him.

Those cops are defintely getting off, dude rolling on the ground = full justification to fear for their lives and shoot.

Not even an attempt to do anything helpful afterwards. Fucking pigs

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Didn’t know where to put this. It involves a police officer so I put it here though it’s more of just an interesting video. Good on the neighbor for holding him down.

No sympathy for the dude but it looks like he ate those bricks on the grass edging. Ouch.

Thats some straight out righteous anger from the guy holding him down. Like you can feel that shit inside his voice. Its possible hia adrenaline has never peaked like that and I totally get it

I saw one yesterday, did not save link, where cop stopped a guy walking down the street who was going to work and within thirty seconds he full on body slammed the guy and caused immense damage.

This shouldn’t even be in their mind, let alone their first response.

Cop v Cop

That’s one way of defunding the police


Eh I don’t think the police pay that though right?

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I think I agree with the Los Angeles Police Protective League? Or at least I agree with the policy change. For the LAPPL this is probably a tactic.

EDIT: Yeah I think the cops are bluffing because they think the city can’t/won’t set up an effective non-cop response. And they’re probably right.

Council members have been looking in recent months at putting $1 million into an Office of Unarmed Response and Safety.

lol $1 million. Maybe if you add a couple zeros. The LAPD’s budget is nearly $2 BILLION.

Cindy Chvatal-Keane, president of the Hancock Park Homeowners Assn., said she thinks the overall concept being advanced by the union is a good idea. But residents will need to know much more about who would take on the duties that the police union intends officers to shed, she said.

“Who will be responding? And who are they responsible to? Will they be fully trained for what will come up and do they have experience?” she said. “We just want to make sure that whoever is going to be answering those calls is fully prepared for what they might find and how to deal with it.”

Plus you got to train them to kill black people. That is not just instinctive for some people.

But he can dance. He’s a good boy!!

F Walmart
F Police

This could have been my dad. My dad once left Walmart without paying for a hundred dollars of prescriptions. (They let you pay at the checkout and he just wandered out and left)

Apparently he broke her arm. But people think we shouldn’t replace the police with something else. Nothing is better than all the shit they do do.

A group of police officers who raided the home of rapper Afroman have sued the musician for “emotional distress” after he used footage of the botched raid in music videos for his songs “Lemon Pound Cake” and “Will You Help Me Repair My Door,” as well as in social media posts. The officers allege they have faced embarrassment, ridicule, humiliation, and loss of reputation from Afroman’s posts.


The complaint claims that the police officers have been “subjected to ridicule” by members of the public who have seen some of Afroman’s posts. The episode has allegedly “made it more difficult and even more dangerous” for them to carry out their official duties, the complaint adds. Some of that activity has included anonymous death threats, it says.

I don’t see the problem here.