Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Even the Attorney General

Well, of Florida…


I brought this kind of thing up awhile ago, and people here were kind of shocked about why I would get annoyed about pictures showing “this impossibly small amount of fentanyl could kill you” or “this is enough fentanyl to kill 500 bazillion people”. This is why though. These cops truly and sincerely believe that they are dying from fentanyl poisoning. That’s why that kind of anti-fentanyl propaganda is bad.

You’ll find it’s very believable that you could die from a gust of wind or through your skin if your only experience with fentanyl is cops talking about how they found enough to kill every american the other day.

someone should ask the DA what they think the business model is for this stuff, like how are you going to sell a product that kills your potential customers if they just look at it? How are you, as a dealer, even going to transport this product without killing yourself? The narrative falls apart with literally just 3 seconds of thought and you don’t even need to know anything about the drug itself.



Small town Iowa police chief tries to become a gun runner!

Just started reading and sympathy levels are plummeting:

Edit: Finished it. I don’t know. I’m not exactly happy that this guy got abused by the cops. But if they’re gonna abuse someone, it might as well be that guy. I mean, come on:

So when the city defends police abuse against him, that’s an outrage? But when he is defending the city against a lawsuit over obvious police misconduct, against someone else it’s all “Welp, that’s totally different. I did it the right way (even though I did the exact same fucking thing as what is being done to me).”


6 wounded students taken to a hospital in a school bus w/ no trained medics on board;
5+ medical helicopters responded, not one picked up anyone from school;
The response was so chaotic that emergency crews were stepping on victims;
+2 decades after the Columbine school shooting, key failures continue to repeat themselves.

Meh it’s a mass casualty event none of those facts seem that bad to me.

Imagine thinking that the “key failures” that haven’t been fixed since Columbine are not failures to enact any kind of effective gun control, but failure to have every 15,000 population town in America ready to seamlessly and flawlessly execute a coordinated emergency response plan when their local school gets shot up by a person with an assault rifle.



Like the guy in the article said “he’s getting a taste of his own medicine” and that’s how I look at it. I’m sure he takes pride in the work he did. That’s a pretty common reaction to your workplace. It doesn’t mention it as the kicker is supposed to show highlight the incongruence of defending police officers who did what that police officer did to him, but it’d be interesting to synthesize the “I did my job the right way” with the feeling of outrage and hurt of being a victim and then ask him if he thinks the people who are doing this to him are doing their jobs ‘the right way’.

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the bus thing maybe, those kids might have just had stubbed toes or whatever, but having five choppers and nobody went out on one seems absurd, particularly given how congested the area around the school must have been

It will depend on the details, but medical flight is actually really risky and if you don’t have patients worth the risk you don’t do it. Since they waited so long it might not have mattered. You’re either dead or you have an injury that doesn’t need immediate intervention

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well, probably for the kids in the classroom, but weren’t there other victims before he got barricaded in?

Sure, but the details matter here way more than you think. It’s entirely plausible that none of the helicopters ended up being needed. Whether it was or not would depend on exactly the patients and whatever local system they have.

I think it’s more likely just that helicopters are an inefficient way to move between the school and the hospital. It’s a 2 mile drive. I would not be surprised if helicopters were later used for transfers to San Antonio either for patients who needed a higher level of care than Uvalde can provide or just for the bed space.

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That’s possible but the local hospital is a level 4 trauma center (super low). IDK, it’s possible it was some sort of massive fuckup for sure. It’s just not immediately obvious to me that there’s some sort of big mistake here.

Go fuck yourself


Southwest calls police on passengers. Police threatens trespass because southwest canceled their tickets so they can no longer be in secured area.