Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Well he shouldn’t have been walking around Texas with the wrong color of skin and terrorist-sounding name. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, THAT’S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW!

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Well eventually we will reach the heat death of the universe

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In case the details of this aren’t well-known: Virginia cop catfishes a California teen, then shows up at her house, kills three of her family members, and takes off with her.


Co-workers of Austin Lee Edwards, the Virginia cop who killed the grandparents and mother of a 15-year-old Riverside girl he “catfished” online, removed a sheriff’s truck and a black trash bag from Edwards’ property the night before it was officially searched, according to an eyewitness and a video reviewed by The Times.

Two deputies from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, the law enforcement agency that employed Edwards immediately before his death, arrived at the white Cape Cod-style home with blacked-out windows late on Nov. 25, the day of the killings.

Riverside Police, who are leading the homicide investigation, did not know about the Washington County Sheriff’s Office’s actions. “We are not aware of any action taken at his house prior to the Nov. 26 search warrant,” said Riverside Police spokesperson Ryan Railsback. “We are not aware of any additional searches.”

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Damn cops just straight up helping cover up a murder and they got the times being like “coworkers removed some of his belongings”

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This is actually pretty bold language for the mainstream press. They usually would say something like “some of his belongings were removed and his colleagues executed a search warrant”.

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Unsure if this fits here or elsewhere but 2 cops executed in ambush. Third (8 weeks on job) hunted unsuccessfully by 3 people (all now dead from other cops) including them setting fire to the grass she was hiding in. Haven’t been able to get a clear idea of who the attackers were - I’d have to suspect right wing militia or something like that which would be maybe a first in Australia. First cop ambush I can think of in decades (previous one I can think of was gang related)

White cop arrests black cop for having too much money in their pocket.

Based grannies

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2, 1


I’ve never figured out what the accepted numbering system is.

in this case the result is the same for both systems




definitely working our way down the vince meme



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Cop tase and then drags unconscious man out into hall and then also takes sword from apartment and drops it in the hallway. Taxpayers cough up 7 million dollars.

Cop tases lady for refusing to show her receipt at a grocery store. Arrests her for resisting arrest. Prosecutor drops charges, lady gets an undisclosed settlement.

My favorite little tidbit is this officer has had 25 civilian complaints against him but nobody can see what many of them are for because they delete complaints after 5 years. I wonder why they do that.

Lol I’ve got to hold onto records at work for at least 30 years but cops can’t keep their beating the public complaints for 5, seems legit.


three squad cards involved in the arrest. a casual acquaintance from one of my alumni groups lives in wetumpka and reports that the town only has four squad cars.

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“Street scientists”?

This is just a fascinating ongoing story about how the cops think you can die from touching fentanyl. They appear to sincerely believe it. This woman is prepared to go on TV and embarrass herself defending this idea.

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