Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Alec Karakatsanis @equalityAlec

These three paragraphs from an article about the wave of jail deaths sweeping the United States will teach you more about the criminal punishment system than anything I’ve ever posted.

Yikes. Police pull people over and give them turkeys. Read the room assholes.

Can’t see anything problematic about this.

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Thank you for your cooperation

she was at home alone in January when a Denver Police Department SWAT team arrived in an armored vehicle with at least 8 officers wearing full body armor and carrying automatic weapons who tore her home apart in search of a missing iPhone.

This is a bit of a square peg in round hole for this thread, and the video is pretty long.

I saw a version of it on tiktok. Basically this guy went to McDonald’s and was pissed his fries were cold. He calls the police on McDonald’s. The franchise owner asks to have the guy trespassed by police.

When doing that they run the guy and it turns out he is wanted for murder. A pretty comical attempt at arresting him then proceeds including the cop falling on his face.


Maybe the fries are better in the joint?

lol I know where that McDonald’s is.

Man, that kid was stupid. Yes, let’s call the police over some fries when you are wanted for murder.

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Agree. I’m guessing he didn’t know he was being looked for. But yeah, really stupid.

this story seems weird, how did this body cam footage leak? cops do this shit for each other all the time, is the issue here that she was dumb enough to actually ask for the “professional courtesy” rather than just wait for it?

I have an estranged cousin who would totally do such a thing, and I could easily see being wanted for murder.

she asked at the beginning if his bodycam was on, so she knew what was up.

99% when word of it got out, the person(s) that wanted to get rid of her for other shit asked for the recording for a reason to get rid of her, right?

i hate the police and even i was :man_shrugging:t3: at this. anybody would do that. hell, a couple times having my conceal carry license and a gun in the glovebox got me out of a speeding ticket, so another time i not-so-slyly gave the cop that along with my license hoping it would work again.

it didn’t. but i didn’t feel bad for trying lol.

Are golf carts under the same laws as other motor vehicles?

If you’re driving on the road, yes. Which probably isn’t allowed to begin with.

This even stretches to retired cops and perhaps their families as well. My father was a NYPD cop and he’d give his PBA card along with his driver’s license when he got pulled over.

To be fair, he didn’t go out of his way to speed everywhere he went. But if it happened, it got him out of trouble.

Seems like somebody had it out for the police chief.

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Officer pulls over a state attorney after running her plates.

Tags didn’t bring back anything when he ran them because she is a state employee. For some reason he didn’t know this.

Depends where you are

We can’t just continue with police operating in the manner they have acted forever.