Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

According to bilblical tradition Nimrod was a great-grandson of Noah, an accomplished hunter and a king in Mesopotamia, so I think you should be fine.

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Fun fact, the use of “nimrod” as an insult in English-speaking countries apparently comes from people misunderstanding Bugs Bunny using the name to refer to Elmer Fudd in one particular cartoon.


This was the first AtA video I watched. Middle aged black man calmly owns the pigs. Maybe the best one I’ve seen. Conveys a lot of good info regarding what the cops are obligated to tell you regarding the reason for the stop, so don’t ask ‘what crime am I suspected of committing’ and instead ask ‘what facts do you have that lead you to suspect that I’ve committed, about to commit’ etc.

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She says police held them in custody for seven hours, denied her pleas to let a caregiver come for her young son and an infant at home, and turned the couple’s home upside down in the presence of their children.

Two years ago, police Tasered Krupka in the back and shot one bullet in her abdomen on Mother’s Day when they were responding to a call by her ex-partner. They had come to issue a warning to her about text messages that had been sent. Last year, an officer was sentenced to 18 months’ probation after pleading guilty to careless use of a firearm in the incident. The officer apologized to Krupka, for what the officer said was the act of mistakenly pulling out and discharging her firearm, thinking it was her Taser

Looking at her I wouldn’t have guessed she was black.

What happened to the people who filed the false report?

They’re white

I thought as much, I just figured you Canadians would do a bit better than we do here.

Is there a mass incarceration thread? Whatever this one will do.

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(MOSCOW, Idaho) — Backpedaling on previous statements, Moscow Police Chief James Fry now says there is potential threat to the community.

This after four University of Idaho students were found stabbed to death in an off-campus home on Sunday. Shortly after that incident, police told the community there was no ‘imminent threat.”

“And now the LiBeRaLs want you to think 17 potentially violent crimes are totally fine, as long as it puts criminals back on the streets. 17 preventable crimes is 17 too many!”

-Every Conservative Talking Head and Politician

Why the fuck does Youtube algorithm keep trying to make me watch this shit

“We stole some poor guy’s money because we could.”

I feel so much safer now.

Replies are letting the CBP have it and the tweet looks like it’s been removed.

Nah, tweet is still up

CBP officers and agents seized an average of about $342,000 in unreported or illicit currency every day during 2021 along our nation’s borders.

So, seized $124M in 2021? What the fuck?

lol, they even took the $30 in petty cash that he must have in his wallet or something. Assholes.

A good long read on the Little Rock use of no knock warrants. Basically no knock warrants served by SWAT were used nearly 100% of the time regardless of pregnant women, children, or the elderly in the residence and without regard to if the suspect posed a threat. And it’s pretty well hinted at that the narcotics unit were either straight making up cases or were relying on confidential informants who were making things up.

All of this is of course illegal by the Supreme Court mandate, but since the Supreme Court declined to allow the exclusionary rule there’s no incentive for police to stop. Scalia actually did internal discipline would prevent it. Lol

Thanks Scalia!