Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

I went down this rabbit hole after I saw an Audit the Audit video on YT a few years ago. Black guy out jogging late at night gets stopped for ‘being suspicious’ and he calmly owns the shit out of the cops. There’s one where a guy runs a FA audit at a CA/NV border crossing with his kids in the car by refusing to say if he’s got any agricultural products in the car. Drives off and gets pulled over a few miles down the road. That one actually made the cops look like the reasonable party.

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A lot of the ones I see are fairly calm but definitely annoying. :rofl:

coincidentally they only seem to misfire when a black person is around

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really makes you think

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Don’t be. We don’t choose what we get taught as kids. It’s like a child blaming themselves for the abuse they receive.

By the same path, don’t be too hard on people w terrible beliefs. They didn’t ask to be taught whatever wrongness they absorbed.

Not that you don’t know this but your comment hit home w me, a guy who grew up in SC w a pretty racist family…


People aren’t racist, guns are racist.

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Dude got what was coming to him. This is America, your rights end at the thin blue line. If the police ask for something, you give it to them. If they ask for information, you give it to them. If they punch you in the face, you apologize for getting in the way of their fist and turn the other cheek. If you mouth off to the police about your rights in a police state, you’re lucky if the only thing that happens is going to jail.

The point is, we live in a police state, act accordingly.

oh you do NOT fuck with the ADA dude. Holy shit, that’s probably a massive lawsuit if he lawyers up.

if he was black when she was asking him if it was a firearm and he just pulls it out, he woulda died right there. Ballsy move even as a white. holy fuck.

great moment when they’re finally figuring it out an impossibly long time after it starts - “sir are you legally blind?” “yes sir” then the look on his face “oh fuck”

Holy shit. I’m going to start flipping the bird to every cop I see from now on.

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I wouldn’t suggest flipping off every cop and I wasn’t expecting to laugh but I did when the kid talked about the 4th amendment in relation to him being detained and you can tell the other cop was thinking “ha! the 4th amendment only relates to people’s houses” and was trying to own the kid by “what’s going to be seizured (sic) by you being detained” and the kid was like “my body, you idiot”.


Shitty obviously but don’t waste your time with cpr on gunshot victims. Just ridiculous how fragile we all are sometimes

With no hyperbole WTF

I didn’t think the kid deserved an A-, maybe a B or B+. I enjoy the videos much more when the auditors keep their cool and don’t go overboard with the insults. I’m not confrontational by nature and flipping off every cop is a pipe dream for me. Not gonna happen unless they give me a reason to and I can’t imagine running into two cops as dumb as these guys were. Kid’s gonna clean up if he files a lawsuit and I’m a little jelly.

The video highlights how much the police can get away with their chuzpah escalation. The original officer clearly wasn’t thinking the kid was in some kind of distress and cop just wanted to dominate someone who flipped him off, but by the end of the confrontation they’re invented a whole scenario on camera about the good natured cop seeing someone who could be in trouble and maybe was signaling the cop. The cop then stopped to investigate and encountered someone hostile who was disturbing the peace of the public, the public only consisting of the police officer, who then graciously detained the person until he could investigate further.

Cop is also going to claim the kid struggling caused his body cam to turn off. There’s another similar video where a car full of kids drives by a cop in the middle of a traffic stop and one of them yelled “FTP” and the cop left the stop to pull them over and challenge the guilty kid to a fight. Only the best people.

yea it does not go the same way if you’re that confrontational and run into a really bad officer, like in some parts of LA that could get you savagely beaten, and dont even think of doing it when you’re black

i had the same thought when i first saw this - it’s rarely a good idea to antagonize officers. they can pretty much do whatever they feel like to you. I’m a yes sir, no sir, can i go sir kind of guy.

i grew up as a rebellious sk8boarder kid and we didnt get into bad shit but it requires a lot of light trespassing and runins with police are common, we had a guy that loved to yell WHEEEEEEEEEE any time he saw a cop and it would provoke the nastiest situations ever.

cops are assholes

Agreed. I get that flipping off and cussing is protected speech, but I prefer them being calm and polite and the police still acting like ridiculous nimrods. (Is nimrod an acceptable slur in 2022, don’t actually know).