Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

That incident didn’t even trend on Twitter or national news! If it weren’t for this thread I would not have heard about it, that’s how far this has been normalized.

This is fun. Police called out for an eviction so they steal a bunch of stuff after one of them accidentally turns on their bodycam.

Yeah, these days we need at least 15 fatalities before politicians hit us with the platitudes and inaction.

Cops must have trained with the IDF


Florida 10-year-old girl escapes attempted kidnapper twice in two days, and there’s video, police say

Donut patrol didn’t think to stake out that walk to school? Parents didn’t give enough of a fuck to take her to school the next day? Jesus Christ.



Penn State Students Maced by Gavin Mcinnes Supporters-Cops Stand By and Do Nothing : PennStateUniversity (

Started the video after the super cringe sponsor ad. I would have refused to ID or take any field tests and let the mfer arrest me.

This story. Man.

All the way to the end.


i refuse to believe nobody tapped the chief in the shoulder and said, “uhh…”

I’m sure they tapped the chief on the shoulder to complain about why their horses get to wear their KKK outfits at work while they didn’t.


One of my new tiktok rabbit holes arr people who “audit” the police. They get into interactions w police, refuse to give Id p, refuse to answer questions, and it is sometimes amazing.

They also often precipitate interaction by hanging out filming in police parking lot or in places like the DMV, who ask them to stop and then call the police.


Not going to lie, when I was young and really dumb I was like, “Oh yeah, there strikes lock ‘em up!”. Still disappointed in myself for that.


I want the people making these videos to be calmer and in general less much annoying.

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“horses can’t be racists, deputy dum-dum!”