Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

from briefly looking at the charges FOR THE VICTIM, it says resisting and eluding, which are from the incident at hand. that would seem to show that the pretext given by the shooter was complete bullshit and the teen was unrelated to whatever the cop was spewing.

What in the actual fuck. Thats one of the worst ones I’ve seen. That cop needs to be charged with attempted murder.


The cop gets away with if he doesn’t shoot those extra shots while he is driving away.

He’s clearly no angel.


This guy is going to win ACAB Bingo.

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Shoots a guy twice in the back, killing him. Was charged with 3rd degree murder. Charges dropped yesterday because reasons.

He Feared For His Life. As long as he says the magic words it’s open and shut.

I haven’t read this thread but I’ve switched positions all the way from my early liberal days to increase funding for the police. I’m also sincerely all the way anti-mask now.

I’m confused. Liberals have always wanted to increase funding for the police


Meet Toronto’s new police chief

In an open letter, which was provided to the Star, members of the Toronto Women’s Bathhouse committee, who were subjected to the raid of the popular Pussy Palace event for queer women and trans people at a rented bathhouse on Mutual St. in 2000, say they oppose Demkiw’s promotion because of his involvement in the operation.

“In your two year hiring process, the communities you consulted told you that they have significant concerns about police accountability,” the letter sent Tuesday to Mayor John Tory and Toronto Police Services Board chair Jim Hart. “What message does the appointment of an officer who has been directly involved in a breach of civil liberties send to those communities?”

Demkiw was then a member of the service’s now disbanded vice squad when he and four other male officers carried out a raid that an Ontario judge would later call a “flagrant” violation of charter rights.

Ryan Teschner, the police board’s executive director and chief of staff, said in an emailed statement they respect the court findings about the Pussy Palace raid and have “no further comment with respect to this case.”

I saw this and immediately thought “holy shit someone actually defunded a police department” but no they just replaced all their crown vics with 9000 lb Yukons

Yea Dallas is doing the same thing. I imagine there’s some nation wide push to put all cops in SUVs

There is, the main reason is Crown Victorias aren’t manufactured any more.

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So replacing them with a different sedan is not an option? Just had to be an SUV?

Riding in an SUV makes it easier to literally look down on the people you’re supposed to be helping


Which one would you recommend

I’d put those fuckers in Yugos