Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

It’s a pretty standard gang initiation.

How many ACAB moments can you count in the below 2 minute video?

Im fucking disgusted by this.

“faces charges of … using a minor as a human shield”

I didn’t realize that such a specific charge existed.



What the fuck

That guys does look “suspicious”, IMO.

I’m sure this will work out just fine.

Edmonton Police respond.

LA Sheriff openly refusing to accept civilian oversight.

i mean didnt the last guy go to prison? not surprising, la police have a long history of corruption

LAPD is a cesspool, the Sheriff’s department seems committed to taking it to another level.

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What the fuck

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Jesus fucking christ

I like how for good measure he kept shooting as the car was driving away. Perfect spot to kill some random bystanders.

I guess at least they did fire the cop, but he definitely needs to get charged.

“Incident reports from Officer Nicholas Weidner on the night indicate that Brennand was at a McDonald’s on an unrelated call when he noticed “a maroon vehicle that evaded from him the night prior” and approached the vehicle.”

Cop was mad the guy got away from him before, so wasn’t going to let it happen again - even if that meant killing the kid.

For whatever reason that huffpo link isn’t working for me, but there was a girl in the passenger seat too. Fucking 17 year old kid sitting in the McDs parking lot eating a hamburger with his friend, all of a sudden someone rips open his door and yells get out of the car, before he can react he’s shot multiple times. Cops are indistinguishable from a fucking gang.

Good lord.

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looked like the kid was sitting with his foot on the brake rather than in park. when the cop opened the door, the kid may have been trying to turn off the car, but instead lifted his foot and started rolling back. which completely spooked this cop. good on the kid to still drive away. don’t assume uniform means anything, cops have to identify themselvews.

garbage system, garbage cultrure, garbage training. defund and reform.

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