Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

A cop pushed my car through an intersection once. Fortunately, I am white and my car was white, so I got through it in one piece.

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She didn’t give the game away, she gave good advice. She’s an asshole on a power trip, but they (almost) all are and I always always get the fuck out of their way.

They can do anything they want at any time, the sooner everyone understands that, the better.

PS - My favorite part is “You’re welcome,” said with complete contempt. It’s very on brand. Lest we shitheads think we actually matter to our overlords in blue.

oh i agree, but i mean she got suspended for explaining their daily privileges in such a blunt way. not for being an asshole on a power trip.

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“fuck da police”

– buster keaton, probably




God, I feel so bad for students in America. They’re really running schools like prisons.

Rios-Gonzalez is left in the vehicle alone as officers search her truck. Minutes later, a train horn is heard and officers express alarm as the train barrels into the cruiser, crumpling the side and pushing it dozens of feet into a field.

They’re going to punish the cops by charging them with destruction of government property and making them pay for the value of the vehicle and equipment that were damaged.

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Is there a more bullshit “crime” than resisting arrest

Not watching the videos, but… they left the fucking police cruiser parked on train tracks?!?

Sure: Disorderly Conduct. Loitering. Jostling. Adultery. Also, Fomenting Insurrection and theft of classified documents, apparently.

she survived which is insane


Apparently the lady pulled over right beyond the tracks and the police officer pulled behind her and onto the tracks.

For whatever reason the lady gets detained and put into the back of the police car.

I don’t know about them but I get huge amounts of anxiety anytime I end up having to break on train tracks for any amount of time.

Um, wat? If you’re ever in a situation where you have to stop on the tracks, you’re doing it wrong.


This can be summarized as a Federalist Society for county sheriffs which wants them to consider themselves as the final word on the law.

I know you’re not supposed to, but we have train tracks that run close to a major intersection with a lot of traffic and an angle where you can’t see if the intersection light is green or red and there are times where the traffic seems to be flowing fine so you start to cross the tracks and all of a sudden everyone in front of you breaks.

She is both very unlucky, but also incredibly lucky.

Yeah, I mean, you should be actively trying to never be in a situation where you’re braking on tracks (making sure you can clear the tracks completely before you pull forward, waiting for the car in front fo you to go further, etc). The cops pulling over on the tracks at all is fucking insane. Correct procedure would be for them to loudspeaker to her to pull further up, or a million other things other than doing what they did.

Yeah this. Only scenario I can see is if you have clearance to pull forward but something completely unexpected darts in front of you like a child or something. Even then, you should be reversing and hoping the car behind you is also following the rules.