Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?


The article’s description of what happened is somehow worse than I imagined it would be. Dude tried very hard to not get shot, basically died from FPS.

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it’s kind of weird, seems maybe like a little illness going on

Nothing that guy did made any sense. He was clearly having some kind of mental health crisis and got shot in his own car while recovering from being tased.


Maybe mentally ill but also seems like he was scared shitless and panicked.

I dunno, but here’s an idea. Maybe when he wouldn’t get out of the car the cops just run the plate and call his parents and tell them to come help hm and let him be.

Don’t know why the cops absolutely MUST have him get out of his car. If he doesn’t want to get out and doesn’t want to receive help, just let him be. JFC.


I won’t search for it but I remember like 15 years ago Anderson Cooper interviewed some rapper who was adamant about never calling the police.

Cooper was incredulous, he said, “what if you knew for a fact a serial killer was living next door to your home, where you and your kids live? Would you call the police then?”

The guy said, “I would move”

At the time it seemed silly but now I think I agree. Game theory-wise, if you call the cops it opens you up to some % chance a SWAT team accidentally gets sent to your house. Probably a higher % than the serial killer finding your family at your new home


They ordered him to get out. If they left without him getting out or getting dead, he’d get to violate a LaWfUl PoLiCe OrDeR with no consequences, which would punk them and disrespect them because they’re the LAW around here. Their little dicks and massive egos couldn’t allow that.

If he would have just thrown himself from the car to a prone position, face first, and kissed their boots while they kicked him for taking so long, then they might have had a choice to let him live.

This is the country we live in.


I was playing golf last Saturday and one of the holes parallels a road. When we were putting, a cop rolled up on a dude walking down the street, opened his door and immediately aimed his gun at the guy while screaming at him to get down and screaming that he’ll use deadly force if he doesn’t comply.

The orders were coming so fast and so loud I can easily see how people just freeze up and can’t react at all/fast enough.

I think some of the police training should include the trainer screaming at new recruits to get on the ground and follow orders and it they fuck it up shoot them with a taser so that they understand what it’s like trying to perform multiple, quickly screamed orders under duress.

of course you know


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I mean the broad strokes are correct in and of themselves. You get called to a car. The guy in the car is not making sense. He’s either having a mental breakdown or high and he needs to either go to a hospital or wait it out in a cell or in some way be put in a better situation.

But somehow they go from that being their outcome goal to killing him and where killing him seems so absurdly out of the parameters of the situation. It really is that stupid ‘police are justified in the moment if in the moment they feel like they’re threatened’ and then collapsing an entire situation down to that moment. Taking a step back it’s obvious this kid needed some help and he would have gotten the help just in any other civilized country that didn’t have this absurd doctrine.

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cops are not allowed to escalate a situation until their only choice is lethal force. I forget what it’s called

That’s called The Way It Should Be, but it’s not The Way It Is, regardless of what the law says.


It’s really hard to tell how often it’s incompetence and how often it’s malice, because there’s plenty of both to go around. I’m very sure that in some of these cases where people are showing evidence of mental issues, there’s the thought of “oh goody I have an excuse to wipe this defective person off the face of the earth” going through the cop’s mind.

i know this post will get hidden if i make any threats, so i’ll just say that if this happened to my brother, or close friend, or one of the cousins that i like, those officers… well, maneuvering around saying that i’m 100% sure that i would be cold, very calculating and harsh is more difficult than i thought it would be when i started typing.

high chance of me becoming obsessed with revenge. research, scouting, weighing the odds of being caught… i’m convinced it would become my way of dealing with a tragedy. when the moment came, i guess we’d have to see. but this is top 5 fucked up cop killings to me. and knowing nothing will ever happen to them, that they absolutely joke/high five about it, that would drive me crazy and eat at me inside.

your mileage may vary, but i was a teenager when i learned that i’d rather fight back and get jumped than let someone assault me and walk away. my mind doesn’t shut off in bed at night and physical pain is much shorter-lived.

anyway yeah, nobody cares. but this situation, the picture of the cop aiming his gun down through the windshield, that wouldn’t be something i could ever let go of.


the law’s starting to crack down more than it used to. cops are fighting back. it’ll take time but I do see progress with this stuff trending.

of course it’s never going to be ok til most of these guys are completely gone but i’d like to at least not have a real fear for my life every time i deal with one, that’s such a low bar

Right, very little of that makes sense. Why call 911 to get help with your stuck car then refuse to get out? Was he drunk?

he was scared and clearly in a crisis. anxiety can spiral. the account was really hard to read for me. i have been there with cops. you fuck up once, they sense you’re anxious, and they poke that anxiety til you do something stupid. they’re like a vicious dog. they can just sense fear.

when I deal with them now, I submit, but I always stare them directly in the eye. I dont know why that works but it does.

I probably told the story of how the single time i stood up for myself with a cop.

I was 23ish. i had a junker car with bad registration always, like one time I got in a lot of trouble over it, and just had general poor clusterfucky person issues with it, so getting pulled over was always an experience and I got pulled over often. My uncle told me later “it looks like a drug addict’s car.” it was a 2001 ford focus with star wars bumper stickers, for the fucking record, by the way.

So a thing whenever I got pulled over was they immediately wanted to search my car. I think it was because I smoked swisher sweet grape flavor at that time, and people always thought it smelled like the stank. At that time it was still illegal. So, this one day I was due at my friends party in 20 mins and kind of in a hurry and get BOOP BOOP’d by a California highway patrol officer on a fucking residential road. He didnt even tell me what he wanted, not at a single point, and immediately wanted to search my car.

I said “why?”

he did the whole “well if you have nothin to hide why would you care?”

I thought for a moment and said “well, honestly, I am supposed to be at a party soon. As you can see (i point back to my mess of a backseat filled with school papers and diet pepsi bottles) I am not the most orderly person alive. there’s nothing interesting in here for you, and unless you have a reason to search my car, i’d rather you not, because it takes forever and neighbors can drive by and see it, it’s humiliating.”

pretty reasonable, right? he gets immediately in my face, very aggressively, and asks me if I’m a tough guy, like I’m a fighter. I was really freaked out but in a public road with tons of cars driving by so I knew he wasnt gonna shoot me, so I was like no sir, you have a gun, and I will certainly lose. something dumb like that. my voice was probably dripping with anger because i knew i didnt do anything wrong at all. i think that’s why he called me a “fighter” or something. i don’t know. I was really irritated.

he calmed down a tad and asked me how long until I had to be at my party. I said 15 minutes. He went back in his car and sat there for 15 fucking minutes to the dot and then came back and told me I could go. never told me what he pulled me over for. I remember trying to ask him as he left, and he said ‘tail light’ but i didnt have any lights out and he never issued a citation. fucking prick.

FUCK the police.


this lady did the unthinkable and gave away the game