Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

I wouldn’t be surprised if the weaselwording wasn’t purposeful, but even if your interpretation is correct… why? Why would a police department allow a war criminal to “train with” them? (we know why)

Because 99% of people have no idea who Eddie Gallagher is?

I had to look his name up

swat teams absolutely know exactly who this guy is, I guarantee you

Your average Tennessean probably approves of Gallagher murdering people overseas.



Dame Rachel de Souza said she was not convinced that the force was “consistently considering children’s welfare and wellbeing” after police data showed that in almost a quarter of cases (23%) an appropriate adult was not present during the search, despite this being a requirement under statutory guidance.

She was also concerned by ethnic disproportionality after the data showed that of children aged 10 to 17 who were strip-searched between 2018 and 2020, almost three out of five (58%) were black, as described by the officer. For 2018 alone the figure rose to 75%. In Greater London, 19% of 10- to 17-year-olds are black.

De Souza questioned how far this “intrusive and traumatising” practice was necessary after figures showed that in 53% of cases no further action was taken. “This low level of successful searches arguably indicates that this intrusive practice may well not be justified or necessary in all cases.”

I think this is true in every state, not just red states. SUPPORT THE TROOPS! Americans love wars.

I thought this was a glitch in GTA: San Andreas but turns out the game engine is just extremely accurate.

I was kind of wondering how San Mateo deputies enforced a warrant in Indiana. Well, turns out they got the local sheriff’s department to play along. The car builder has to appear in San Mateo on Aug 19th for arraignment. The rich pushing local cops cross country like pawns to shake people down is a new wrinkle I hadn’t considered.

Good lord. Grown ass men fighting over toys and LE dives head first into this pile of shit that never would have become public knowledge if the vaunted I-team hadn’t cracked the case. I’m normally very nerd tolerant, but every entity in this story makes me want to smash something with a baseball bat.

Haha of course we suddenly learn that the DA was raised by wolves!

official Uvalde Police page just posted this:

it’s almost 100% laugh reacts

Sometimes, I wonder if Asians are safe from police because they’re not black or in danger because they’re not white. (Siskiyou County is on the Oregon border.)

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The eight people each served decades in prison. The convictions were handed down for homicides that occurred between 1989 and 1996, Foxx told reporters.

Beto’s an ass (personally IMO) but he absolutely should be the voice of the gun control movement

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Agree. I don’t think he can win in Texas (I live here) but he’s got fire in his belly and that would be a great role for him.