Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Uhhh this post screams call to violence?

Comments like this (which are false anyway?), particularly in the context of gun ownership, … should be moderated? This seems to me. I flagged the post.

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Writers are getting lazy here. In the video, the dude’s last name is actually pronounced almost the same as “police”. Sgt Police is really too on the nose.

On the bright side we have a possible good cop sighting. Just one though. Unfortunately one good apple doesn’t unspoil the whold bunch.

Good cop likely going to be run out of the force.

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You’ve got about 5 minutes to get out of here right now.

Finally a good cop with a gun neutralizes a bad person with a gun.

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Picturing the dog attack …


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Across America, Black women are taking up arms in unprecedented numbers. Research shows that first-time gun buyers since 2019 have been more likely to be Black and more likely to be female than gun purchasers in previous years, a finding that aligns with surveys of gun sellers.

I hate everyone.

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So many threads to choose from but since this one just got bumped

Johnson says he was walking home after work on February 10 of last year when a police officer who, according to the lawsuit, was chasing a White suspect, ran up to him.

According to the lawsuit, that officer, identified as Steven Conroy, yelled to “get the f**k on the floor,” the complaint said. The White suspect, identified in the lawsuit as Kyle T., dropped down but Johnson, who was “unaware of what was happening” didn’t, the suit says.

According to the lawsuit, Officer Conroy pointed his gun at Johnson, threw him to the ground and placed his knee on Johnson’s neck. The complaint also alleges Johnson was handcuffed and placed in the back of a police cruiser before he was released without charge.

And while Johnson was eventually let go once police acknowledged “that they had no basis for arresting and detaining” him, “his entire detention lasted approximately 45 minutes,” the suit said.

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Nice to see those Uvalde cops landed on their feet in LA.


It doesn’t seem like that tweet is accurate as there weren’t cops nearby watching. From the audio, sounds like cops stopped chasing him so they were not nearby when he got out to surrender. The cops they show in the video appear to arrive much later at the scene and have no clue about the stolen car/pursuit but are just trying to figure out why there is a car illegally parked.

Honestly, this is probably what cops should do for a stolen car. Chasing at high speeds through a city is much more dangerous than letting him get away. Probably should have followed with helicopter to track car and suspect, but I’m fine with them stopping the pursuit even if that means he can walk away.


Police ain’t all that great here either

Three undercover cops took down an autistic teenager who attempted to approach Andrej Babis (the Trump of Czech Republic) and even got in a nice photo. They refused to allow his mother to accompany him to the police station. One of the cops was wearing a Babis hat (essentially Trump’s MAGA red hat) prior to this photo being taken. Another was already being investigated for previous misconduct.

I mean yeah, cops are definitely better here but they definitely suck dick sometimes too.

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That looks like training with as in he is being trained rather than actually doing the training.

Or that could be terrible grammar. Who knows?

All I know is that police training in America is fucking dog shit compared to the developed world.