Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

There’s an ongoing thing where cops claim to need medical treatment after touching fentanyl. It’s unclear whether this is Havana Syndrome for cops, or part of the ongoing effort to pretend like their jobs are 500 times more dangerous than they are, or both. Then there was this story the other day:

If you are like “but wait, would just touching fentanyl actually do anything” then the answer is no. Here is a case report where someone spilled a large amount of fentanyl solution all over themselves and nothing happened.

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John Oliver being the best at what he does has a good episode on it.

Jesus Christ what fucking pussies. Dude overdosed on Narcan because he was having a panic attack.

“Bag it up dude before we have an exposure”
Shut the fuck up you hammerhead.

there’s also the third possibility, the cops are consuming a bunch of drugs they conifscate, then blaming any adverse effect on radical liberal socialists booby trapping something that they touched.


Oh fuck I’ve been scromitting all day long.

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As officers approached the armed person, they determined the person posed a “significant threat,” and multiple officers fired at the person, according to Thomas. Police then noticed there were multiple people in the crowd who had been injured “as a result of this incident.” Police have not released details on how many people were injured or exactly how they were injured.



Did have some drinks at lunch? Any drugs? So awesome and exactly what happens when you break out your authoritarian voice on cops. Last November I screamed at a Seattle cop like a mom at the end of her wits might scream at a defiant toddler and his body language went from tough guy to OMG I’m in big trouble in a literal heartbeat. I enjoyed it immensely.


more details on screaming at the Seattle cop?

Cop was directing traffic, I needed to get through the intersection and wanted to talk to him about it and all he would do is scream at me, so I finally screamed GODDAMMIT GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OVER HERE AND TALK TO ME RIGHT NOW! in my genuinely angry voice. I expected him to come over and yell at me and was surprised when he responded the way a child who knows they’re in big fucking trouble responds when dad yells at him. The change in body language from screaming at me to dropping his head and drooping his shoulders and shuffling over to my truck was striking. Almost like he was programmed to respond that way.

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Ted Cruz is going to say this is why teenage schoolgirls should carry guns:

man I have seen and watched and read the worst there is out there and very little can make me sick like reading that. trigger warning

Just caught up on this thread and finally read the Cecilia Lewis story in full. Had a complete breakdown that quickly turned into pure anger.

I think a lot of people assume that the right has an advantage when it comes to potential violence but I don’t believe that anymore.

Most of these facebook warriors are way too comfortable. There’s lot of us who have been bullied, harassed, beaten for years. Where I"m from lots of those kids ended up skateboarders. Most of them ended up very chill as adults. But that shit never goes away completely.

This is one of the reasons I can’t embrace a complete ban on guns. Somebody will have to be there when these fools finally fuck around. Even kind hearted souls who never give way to these thoughts will have immediate instincts ignited to protect the future of this country.

Really hope it doesnt come to that but I’m not folding. Black women are going to save this country and giving your life to progress that should be the easiest thing anyone can do.