Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

That guy looks like he’s masturbating

Not sure if that’s intentional or Parkinson’s Disease

The dude just reeeeeally loves america. What can you say.

Not sure what level this is on, but…thats the joke? My guess is this is a very well cropped gif of him holding/waving one of those giant flags that cover a football field before a game, cause murica.

Police need space to park to attend a funeral? No problem, tow the cars in the way

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I know Chicago does this to cars blocking film sets. Move them a couple blocks away, no financial penalty.

A 32-year-old Los Angeles police officer who suffered fatal neck injuries during a department training last month had been getting beaten by other officers in an exercise meant to “simulate a mob,” according to a wrongful-death claim filed against the city by his mother.

good lord they literally do gang jump initiations now

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jesus christ look at this dog they fucking shot

Righteous shot, IMO. Suspect appears to be dark brown in skin tone and “Nala” sounds kind of terroristy.

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Cops who do that to my dog would be well advised to grow eyes in the back of their heads. I’ll make the holes for them.

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Really the only hope of meaningful gun control in my lifetime would be a mass shooting at a kennel. People are not down for dog murder one little bit.

Sketchy “private security” firms working directly with police is definitely going to be a growing thing during fascism’s rise.

Robbery suspect.

I gotta stay out of here. Seething rage is not healthy.

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Well if he didn’t do anything wrong, he doesn’t have anything to worry about.



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I don’t get it?