Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Officers watched two men get out of the car wearing “masks and hoodies” and enter the store, according to the affidavit written by Deputy Cole Miller. Miller talked to the store’s Loss Prevention Supervisor on the phone, who told him that the men were leaving the store without paying for a pizza and multiple packs of Pokemon cards.

Assuming these weren’t surgical masks and were actually suspicious masks, the cops saw a bunch of suspicious dudes roll into a store, stayed in their car, called the store, waited for the shoplifters to come out, and shot them.

Modern policing: be lazy, shoot first, bullshit your way around it later.

Guarantee you those lazy killers ate that pizza, too.

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I’m not a legal expert but this sounds suspiciously like premeditated murder to me.

Czech cops have their moments too. Not kill unarmed kid with Pokemon cards bad but shoot at stolen car controlled by intoxicated driver that rammed your roadblock bad.

Driver shot in the arm and front page news.

Fuck off Klob

“…to protect our communities.”
Jerking off hand motion.


i was going to say 500+ from Covid

I bet you are close if you count stuff unrelated to job. Heart attack, random car accident, etc

Here’s the list if people are interested.

Looks like the number is 623, not 576. And yes, 444 of those were COVID “in the line of duty”.

55/107 in 2022 are COVID. Fuck all the way off with that shit.

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See, now that’s how you get a stapler thrown at your head.

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Cops come it at a solid 22 on the list lol

Guess logging workers don’t count.

This is injury not just death but still

That did strike me as odd too

For reference, total cops died in the line of duty in 2018 was 188 and 159 in 2019.Then comes COVID and just COVID deaths in 2020 was 273 and another 444 in 2021.

Whatever the cause, this number is shameful and should be a great concern. What can we do to double it?


Think and pray harder.
Make it easier for a Good Guy to be there to help.
More military-grade equipment deployed in the neighborhood.


Eta read your post as, “what can we do about it?” :confused:

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Small aircraft crashes are fairly common.

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What is “duty related illness”?

According to

it’s probably

Health Related Causes: Any law enforcement officer who dies as a result of any health-related cause (illness, disease, infection, etc.) that is a direct result of the officer’s law enforcement duties.

Example scenarios:

Contraction of an airborne or bloodborne infectious disease or illness such as COVID-19, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, etc.
Contraction of an infection or illness as a result of a duty related illness
Health related issues due to a HAZMAT incident

Evidence of a direct relation between a duty related incident and the contraction of a disease or illness must be presented in the form of official documentation.

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white substance proximity related panic attacks. passing out at the mere mentioning of the word fentanyl from exposure.

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So those could be COVID deaths, too.