Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

You can now tell him “Congrats to Rush for being one year sober!”


Dope Diapers on the damn table!

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For someone with no criminal history, such as Potter, the state guidelines on that charge range from slightly more than six years to about 8 1/2 years in prison, with the presumptive sentence being just over seven years.

Yesterday I was at lunch and some cops were at a table next to me, and a guy who had to be in his 60s walked up to them as he was leaving and said “thank you for your service” which was corny as fuck, cmon man these cops are in their 40s and make 200k a year probably, and then proceeded to tell them that he knows their job is tough because you never know when you have to “get dirty” when someone “gives you attitude” and i’m like omg this is the most racist shit i’ve ever heard in my life. random people just come up to cops on the street and thank them for bashing people apparently.

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:open_mouth: just wow

Do the cops ever actually ask themselves why drug dealers are not just dying mid-stride while selling this stuff?

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John Oliver just did an episode this week about how the “Deadly exposure to fentanyl” by the cops is total bullshit


obviously its baloney, the question is why? are cops just not feeling worshipped enough and need to manufacture deadly hazards to impress the peons?

Cops want to be praised for doing such a dangerous job and only killing the occasional unarmed person. It’s the same reason every time a cop is shot at it’s such a huge story, while most cop killings get little press.

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Probably psychosomatic. They hear about the toxicity and it makes them anxious, which results in legitimate symptoms.

Most myths originate with some sliver of truth. In addition to what Jonny is saying, I’m guessing that one time a cop did get all fucked up from a fentanyl bust and then that story spread through the Thin Blue Line Press so they all know about it. The part of the story that didn’t make it across the wire, in my estimation, is that the cop that got fucked up probably knowingly ingested fentanyl then lied about how it went down.

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remember the west point cadets on spring break story a couple of weeks ago? at least one version of the story or rumor claimed that 4 people decided to do drugs, od-ed, two more people knew something was wrong, started cpr, lost consciousness themselves. that’s entirely consistent with what the police have been told and perpetuating to the population.

just last week though the actual 911 call of the incident was released, and there doesn’t appear to be any cpr exposure to fentanyl, although several other people at the house did pass out after heavy drinking. millions read the original story and are still not aware of the actual details


“These pussies ODing on this stuff, watch this Bob.”

Does key bump of fentanyl laced cocaine

“oh fuck, call the ambulance.”

“Today, the chief of police has announced that skin contact with fentanyl laced products can cause deadly side effects.”

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd now we got a story for the right wing psychos to eat up.


BTW, I don’t know if its Warner Media that decides releasing the LWT stuff is a good form of promotion, or if its a demand by Oliver, but being able to watch essentially the entire show for free on youtube each week is a really good thing.

Cops are probably ingesting it to get high and using the “oh no I touched it” excuse. With their narcan handy.


Found some video of the police investigating the incident

I did like this explanation

The police are convinced that the work they’re doing is incredibly dangerous. Sometimes it is, but rarely for the reasons they think. They think hosing down and arresting drug users is somehow helping. You see, it’s not drug users who are at risk from the contaminated drug supply, even though more than 100,000 people are dying every year from overdoses. It’s the police who are really at risk , and they’re at risk because they’re trying to save drug users from themselves, they’re at risk because they’re trying to rid their community of bad chemicals and bad people.

The police cannot put out a statement saying that the deputies got scared, started to panic, and Narcan’d themselves. It’s just not going to happen. So, like all police statements, they are retroactive in nature, and their whole point is to find an excuse or rationale to justify whatever way the police behaved in a given moment.

Police don’t feel fear, they see threats. And whatever they do—whether it’s shooting an unarmed person or spraying naloxone up their nose—it’s because their own safety was threatened. And when cops feel threatened, the news is there to report it, reinforcing the dangerousness of the job while broadcasting to the community that two people sitting in their truck doing nothing are now felons who have been taken off the streets.


Apparently additional training is the solution here, not removal from the job or criminal charges for the guard(s) who allowed this to happen. I hate the bastards more with every passing day.