Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

Months of research and dozens of interviews by found that Brookside’s finances are rocket-fueled by tickets and aggressive policing. In a two-year period between 2018 and 2020 Brookside revenues from fines and forfeitures soared more than 640 percent and now make up half the city’s total income.

And the police chief has called for more.

The town of 1,253 just north of Birmingham reported just 55 serious crimes to the state in the entire eight year period between 2011 and 2018 – none of them homicide or rape. But in 2018 it began building a police empire, hiring more and more officers to blanket its six miles of roads and mile-and-a-half jurisdiction on Interstate 22.

By 2020 Brookside made more misdemeanor arrests than it has residents. It went from towing 50 vehicles in 2018 to 789 in 2020 – each carrying fines. That’s a 1,478% increase, with 1.7 tows for every household in town.

When Jones was hired as chief in 2018, he was the only full-time police officer, he said in sworn testimony for a lawsuit filed against him and the city. By last summer, he said in a deposition, Brookside had hired eight additional full-time officers and several part-timers.

Asked in December how many officers were on staff, he refused to say, citing “security” concerns, though police staff sizes are reported regularly to the government for public consumption.

A department of nine officers in a 1,253-person town is far larger than average. Across the country, the average size of a force is one officer for every 588 residents, according to a Governing Magazine study that examined federal statistics.

Last year, based on Jones’ testimony, Brookside had at least one officer for every 144 residents.


are “free” surplus flamethrowers, tanks and strategic bombers that the military gives to police counted in police spending?

This thread depresses the shit out of me, so I ignore it for a few months, then catch up all at once in one descent into the darkness.

If anyone’s confused about whether we’re already a fascist country or not, just go back a few months in this thread and re-read it.

Video of the shooting

At first I thought it was a show of constraint by the cops, but it turns out the guy had a box cutter. That’s it.

The driver of an armored car carrying $712,000 in cash from licensed marijuana dispensaries was heading into Barstow on a Mojave Desert freeway in November when San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies pulled him over. They interrogated him, seized the money and turned it over to the FBI.

A few weeks later, deputies stopped the same driver in Rancho Cucamonga, took an additional $350,000 belonging to legal pot stores and gave that cash to the FBI too.

Now, the FBI is trying to confiscate the nearly $1.1-million bounty, which it might share with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department. The FBI says the money is tied to federal drug or money-laundering crimes, but has specified no unlawful conduct and charged no one with a crime.

Cops are hitting armed cars in broad daylight


jfc. seemed like they were talking to him for at least 30 mins. could they have known he didn’t have a firearm? maybe. maybe not. having 9 officers with guns pointed probably is not the deescalation technique they think it is.

It looks like he pretended to have a gun, with that fake quick-draw at the end. Suicide by cop maybe?

The photos from the funeral of the 2 murdered NYPD cops are nuts. More than 2 will die from covid mourning them.

Pure copaganda:


Jesus Christ

It’s just the cost of doing business in a corrupt 3rd world country like the USA. You have to factor in bribes to local “law enforcement”.


The law in “in-law” is canon law and the term came from who one was prohibited from marrying. Your in-laws would be the people you have an affinity with who you weren’t supposed to marry. “Affinity does not beget affinity”, so your relatives would not have an in-law relationship with the relatives of your wife (once you are married).

My brother-in-law-in-law has some spicy hot takes about politics, too! He’s proudly a Rush Limbaugh lover.

Teens get in a 15 second fight at a mall. Only the black kid gets cuffed and kneed in the back. The white-looking kid offers to get cuffed and the officers are like “nah, you’re good”.

New Jersey is a fucking shithole. Full of deplorables and NIMBY Dems who moved out of New York because of white flight.

Boy, if these pictures dont make you just swell with pride I dont know what will.

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