Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

LAPD released CCTV footage of the incident where they shot an innocent bystander:

~12:00 attacker makes first appearance
~18:00 starts getting aggressive
~21:45 takes off his pants
~23:00 police enter store (min. 10 officers)
~24:00 the attack begins
~25:15 police arrive at the scene of the attack
~25:45 spox: “they encountered the suspect a short distance away” from bleeding victim

There was no reason to immediately open fire as far as I can tell

The fact they never say the suspect acted aggressively toward the officers means the officers just saw him and immediately opened fire.

edit: I missed that the shooting footage was later. Yup, cop just sees suspect and immediately opens fire. Seems clear he was rushing ahead too as you hear other cops call for him to slow down. Absolutely no reason for him to fire on sight.

Retired police commander buys his mentally ill daughter a gun and teaches her how to shoot it because she was feeling unsafe and the cops shoot her while she’s in the midst of a crisis. Now he’s planning to sue the city after he set the whole episode in motion with his mind-bending decision to arm her. What an asshole. So many people to hate in this story and they’re all cops. Go figure.

three shots is all it took, two must have hit the suspect. that’s certainly no spray fire, although at that distance, with such a numerical advantage over the suspect, missing the suspect at all looks really bad on the department. they were seconds from surrounding him alone and not killing anyone.

definitely needs to be aware that other victims may be around. they even called them out as they entered the floor.

the bystander was shot one of those bullets skidding off the floor. that is a very heavy weapon to use, and the fact is the training told them it should be in front to take all the shots. once again my thinking is confirmed, rules of engagement are way too heavy.

that guy is batshit crazy and i can’t wait to find out if he cheated on ppp, and whether or not he is pushing supplements.

Such a horrific story



I know. Too obvious.

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The third man:


Pretty sure the cop would get a pass from me if that were true

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Why would they fire this cop? I wish more cops did this.


Feels like the premise of a sketch on Reno 911.

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Back when Pokemon-Go first came out I got the cops called on me for playing. Around 9 pm I was walking through the parking lot behind a strip mall, and someone called the cops for me being suspicious. The cops found me and asked what I was doing and if I had been walking through thae parking lot. He also asked if I was playing Pokemon-Go, so they seemed aware of the issue. Not sure why, but I denied it and said I was just going for a walk.

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