Good guys with guns and robot dogs: The police?

It’s nice that there are still some issues where the libertarians and progressives agree. Or maybe it’s sad. Since something so wrong that everyone agrees that it is terrible should never really be an issue in the first place.

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Church group goes around taping paper turkeys to congregants’ door and door bell ditching. They do it to the Sherriff’s house who proceeds to run out in his underwear, pull the driver out by her hair and put a gun to her head. Turns out the driver is a family friend

Pretty interesting story involving the LAPD that probably hasn’t gotten any national attention:

Cliffs, as best I can put it together: there was a gun store located at/in the Los Angeles Police Academy. The store was operated by the Los Angeles Police Revolver and Athletic Club, a non-profit with which the City of Los Angeles / LAPD has a relationship dating to 1935. So it was a gun shop for cops. As you can imagine, lots of shady stuff was going on there with cops buying and selling guns, including guns not available to the general public. But, it turns out that the manager of the store was on the take and was selling guns off the books/under the table, and keeping the money for himself. So essentially he was stealing guns and re-selling them, but he was doing it through the shop. Of course it comes to light that he was selling these “stolen” guns to cops. The investigation uncovered multiple cops breaking the law in a variety of different ways. And obviously the department obstructed the investigation etc etc etc.

Now, the city is suing the non-profit, and the cops who bought the stolen guns are suing both the city and the non-profit for not managing the gun store well, which resulted in them being drawn into this mess.

There’s a lot going on in this story!

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Wait what the fuck?

Asset forfeiture goal, that’s some sick shit right there

All asset forfeiture proceeds should go to a general fund that pays parking tickets and court fines for poor people. That would put an end to 99% of it.

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Some of those that work forces…

Shocked pikachu dot jpeg

Lol, they would have been more impressive stacking the dollar bills.

Not sure if this has been posted?

Los Angeles police have killed two people, including a 14-year-old girl trying on new outfits, after opening fire inside a clothing store.

A stray bullet hit the teen as she was in a changing room with her mother trying on dresses for a birthday party.

Police say the shooting came after reports of shots being fired by a man inside the store. The suspect was shot dead, but no gun was found.

Good job the police shot the suspect - he could have killed someone … if he’d had a gun.


This is pretty amazing.

OIS is the new euphemism-for-a-euphemism - officer involved shooting.


What kind of moron teaches never to use the passive voice in writing?

Tahts the joke. No one teaches to never use the passive voice but it’s extremely common to have early school English teachers chide their students for using too much passive voice and to write with more active voice. That gets exaggerated to be never write in a passive voice.

What you’re saying is correct, but I don’t think that is actually what the joke was.