GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

still time to fix this


Final Four!

#32 The Twilight Zone


#101 The Jeffersons

#32 The Twilight Zone vs. #101 The Jeffersons
  • #32 The Twilight Zone
  • #101 The Jeffersons
0 voters
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Final Four!

#15 The Addams Family


#62 Mission: Impossible

#15 The Addams Family vs. #62 Mission: Impossible
  • #15 The Addams Family
  • #62 Mission: Impossible
0 voters
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Ladies, gentlemen, and posters of all genders, the Final Four!

  • The Twilight Zone, I can’t say I had it in my the E8 were I predicting the outcomes of the matchups among posters here. I thought Cheers or Peter Gunn would do better, but that’s not to say it’s an undeserving F4 entry. It’s an immediately identifiable theme that set the standard for eerie music coming after it. Fittingly, it’s won back to back nail-biters in the most tense and demanding matchups in the whole tournament, including one over a theme that’s arguably its spiritual successor. The original endures, but I just can’t take it over…
  • The most soulful entry in the bracket, The Jeffersons. I had a hard time guessing the E8 and F4 berth from this region of the bracket, namely because predicting the outcome of the voting of Jeffersons against Andy Griffith and then against Sesame Street (which itself knocked off legit contenders in Hawaii Five-O and Benny Hill). It’s handled all comers pretty easily, though, and I think this one takes it all. Love the sound of a Black gospel choir.
  • The Addams Family was our highest remaining seed, and I think it more than most benefited from weaker matchups, at least for a while. Bonanza and Matlock are both pretty good wins, though, and taking out Game of Thrones was a big surprise to me. For me, it’s cultural impact is obviously immense, but it’s just a little too goofy for me to vote for it over…
  • Mission: Impossible was a hard one for me to predict. Fresh Prince and the Olympics theme are about as rough of a round 2 and 3 matchup any theme had to face, and it would have to go through one of the Muppets or the Simpsons to get to this point, too. Yikes! Flute players everywhere, rejoice. You have a song that made your instrument cool, but I think this one loses in the finals.
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Well at least one of the top 10 actually made it to the final 4.

Addams Family isn’t even the best theme song from a 60s Monster-themed sitcom.


Also, looks like our entire final 4 is from before 1980? That does surprise me, as I thought something more contemporary would make it through.

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Also, I’d like to give a shout out to Cowboy Bebop, which has a pretty good claim to a theme that most overperformed my expectations. One more poll for my own curiosity:

Cowboy Bebop
  • I have seen at least one episode of Cowboy Bebop and voted for it at least once
  • I have seen at least one episode of Cowboy Bebop, but I never voted for it
  • I have not ever seen an episode of Cowboy Bebop, but I voted for it at least once
  • I have neither seen nor voted for Cowboy Bebop in this contest
0 voters

OK, I lied, another shout out to @econophile, @ElSapo , @LKJ , and @nunnehi for nominating our final 4!


in general it seems like most theme songs are way shittier since seinfeld.

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did anyone nominate this banger?

is normal lear connected to any bad theme songs?

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Yes but I don’t think it had enough views to get in

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Does the live action Netflix version count?

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what the fuck

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Yep, it’s like number 2 or 3 all time theme and I don’t think it made it in the bracket

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Good Times top 3 OAT? OK I’m jumping off the nunn bandwagon lol. It’s ok, but a bit annoying.

Archer not getting in seems like a miss. It had no winning potential, but certainly better than some of the shit that made the cut.

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Listen to the words closely and you’ll see why. Then go listen to the Maude theme and you’ll see why Good Times ranks so high.


Had no idea such a thing existed, tbh.

I’ve seen both the Netflix live action and the animated series, but am too old to be able to make a qualitative statement about the shows. I liked them but it might have only been for the theme song…