GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

Game of Thrones theme getting this far is kind of depressing.

It’s not bad. In fact it’s good, perhaps quite good.

It just feels…optimized?

Can’t be the GOAT without having haters and it just has nothing to hate on.

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Similar but different to my feeling about the show itself: get high-level production value, a hot genre, good characters and acting and then a random number generator can do the rest. Boom…a show people will say is among the GOATs.

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Onto the Elite Eight we go, with The Twilight Zone narrowly escaping with a one-vote victory over Peter Gunn.

Round 5, Matchup 1

#32 The Twilight Zone


#104 The X-Files

#32 The Twilight Zone vs. #104 The X-Files
  • #32 The Twilight Zone.

  • #104 The X-Files

0 voters

Round 5, Matchup 2

#20 Cowboy Bebop


#101 The Jeffersons

#20 Cowboy Bebop vs. #101 The Jeffersons
  • #20 Cowboy Bebop.

  • #101 The Jeffersons

0 voters

Round 5, Matchup 3

#15 The Addams Family


#7 Game of Thrones

##15 The Addams Family vs. #7 Game of Thrones
  • #15 The Addams Family.

  • #7 Game of Thrones

0 voters

Round 5, Matchup 4

#62 Mission: Impossible


#43 The Muppet Show

#62 Mission: Impossible vs. #43 The Muppet Show
  • #62 Mission: Impossible.

  • #43 The Muppet Show

0 voters

Yeah, Game of Thrones theme is quite good, but it shouldn’t have beaten Rawhide. That said, people are not overly interested in voting well in this. We saw that people were just openly giving dishonest pretextual reasons to vote for fucking Better Call Saul in the first two rounds on the basis of “yeah I know you’re right, but I want what I want,” and that didn’t even have a theme. Give an actual worthwhile theme to a show people care about, and hoo boy that’s gonna be a powerhouse.


X-Files vs. Twilight Zone is tough


CB reaching the elite 8 is quite an accomplishment, but that ride ends here


I mean it’s a pretty scruffy elite eight, let’s face it. The tournament had all the tools to succeed, but then people started voting. Jeffersons has essentially been granted a bye in each of the final few rounds instead of actually having to knock off the other best themes. It’s a reasonable end result, but the final act is pretty anticlimactic.

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srsly hope we’re done with this bebop nonsense. that chit was way overblown

The final four is looking to be pretty solid.

Yes, this does appear to be quite a leak in this tournament, and some other current events!


There has been tons of obvious fraudulent voting.

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On the close votes I’ve done some cursory checks looking for gimmicks but haven’t seen any obvious ones.




TusconRonFromArizona is a totally legit member of the community Sir.

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The mail in votes for the early rounds haven’t even been counted yet!

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You shut your unsyncopated 4/4 mouth!

  • I guess it’s appropriate that The X-Files and The Twilight Zone face off. I like The X-Files because it’s better for longer (yes, i did listen to nunnehi’s posts and still feel it’s meh after the very elite first 10-15 seconds)
  • Looks like this is the end for Cowboy Bebop. Had a great run and took out some heavy hitters.
  • Game of Thrones by a small margin. Both are great.
  • My opinion of the Muppet Show theme decreases with every listen. It’s still good, but certainly not good enough to take out M:I.
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Such a shame that Cowboy Bebop isn’t gonna make it.

Looking forward to the anime OP/ED bracket next.

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