GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

That just means it’s poised for a future bracket. :wink:

Appreciate your hard work here, my man.

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Speaking of the hard work going into this. I’ll be starting a family vacation next week, while I should be able to put up matchups on the 4th, after than, I’m going to be limited in my ability to post. Given that the bracket, the spreadsheet, and the format for voting posts are all public, we’ll need some crowdsourcing to keep this moving at its current pace.


I can do it.


Thank you


Everything went my way in this block, I think for the first time? On to the conclusion of the second round. Good luck with this one, mfers:

Round 2, Block 4

#3 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air


#62 Mission: Impossible

#3 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air vs. #62 Mission: Impossible
  • #3 The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
  • #62 Mission: Impossible
0 voters

Round 2, Block 4

#30 Olympic Fanfare and Theme


#94 The Office

#30 Olympic Fanfare and Theme vs. #94 The Office
  • #30 Olympic Fanfare and Theme
  • #94 The Office
0 voters

Round 2, Block 4

#115 I Dream of Jeannie


#78 The Wonder Years

#115 I Dream of Jeannie vs. #78 The Wonder Years
  • #115 I Dream of Jeannie
  • #78 The Wonder Years
0 voters

Round 2, Block 4

#19 Happy Days


#83 The Odd Couple

#19 Happy Days vs. #83 The Odd Couple
  • #19 Happy Days
  • #83 The Odd Couple
0 voters

Round 2, Block 4

#123 Mr. Ed


#70 The Simpsons

#123 Mr. Ed vs. #70 The Simpsons
  • #123 Mr. Ed
  • #70 The Simpsons
0 voters

Round 2, Block 4

#27 Duck Tales


#91 In Living Color

#27 Duck Tales vs. #91 In Living Color
  • #27 Duck Tales
  • #91 In Living Color
0 voters

Round 2, Block 4

#118 Magnum, P.I.


#54 King of the Hill

#118 Magnum, P.I. vs. #54 King of the Hill
  • #118 Magnum, P.I.
  • #54 King of the Hill
0 voters

Round 2, Block 4

#107 Unsolved Mysteries


#43 The Muppet Show

#107 Unsolved Mysteries vs. #43 The Muppet Show
  • #107 Unsolved Mysteries
  • #43 The Muppet Show
0 voters

Not sure I’m doing this right. Obviously, wonder years is the better song, but I feel it should be going against twist and shout or something. Hard to give it any credit as a tv show theme song

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There is a voting bloc punishing non-original themes. I’m in this bloc, although I voted for Wonder Years last time just because I couldn’t bring myself to vote for the Big Bang Theory.

The competitor you’re looking for, though, is Life Goes On.



Round 2, Block 3 justifications even though I missed out on the vote

  • Get Smart vs. Muppet Babies-Again, the Get Smart theme is great. It toes the line between cool and joke excellently, though mixing that guitar a little louder like they did in future seasons would have made the joke more obvious. The Muppet Babies theme had no chance vs. Get Smart for me. It’s serviceable and good for what it is but it’s not gonna beat Get Smart for me.

  • Matlock vs. Knight Rider-This is another easy win for Matlock. Knight Rider is fine, but when the Matlock theme comes on, you, your grandmother, and and your great grandmother will have all their attention caught as you sit down and enjoy a Werther’s Original. Matlock is irresistible always wearing the same suit while he gets his light bulb moment at around the 47 minute mark in every episode.

  • The Addams Family vs. Buffy-The difference between these two themes is like the difference between the earth being a globe vs. it being flat. The Addams Family theme is iconic and takes a stake to the heart of every character Joss Whedon ever wrote and later abused. He’s really creepy and cooky and The Addams Family mops up the floor with his bizarro theme song he chose for this series.

  • Bonanza vs. Chip 'n Dale-This isn’t a fair fight. It’s like Chip 'n Dale brought butter to a butter knife fight. Bonanza came in with guns and thought of Chip 'n Dale as two pests that needed to be shot, skinned, and boiled for their cattle’s fodder. Plus, Pernell Roberts is in the main title without a beard. How are Chip 'n Dale gonna beat that?

  • Game of Thrones-I finally went and watched the full main title for Game of Thrones, which is how this competition should really be run (not using just theme songs) and the song is a lot more effective with the visuals. NBA on NBC is a good theme, but Game of Thrones is better and that’s just the way it goes for a channel that managed to lose the NBA and is probably never getting it back.

  • White Lotus vs. The Jetsons-On the surface, this is a pretty tough pick. I find the White Lotus theme strange and interesting. I find the Jetsons strange and interesting. Not the theme, the show. The Jetsons theme perfectly sets out what it’s supposed to do for a theme song in its era…explain explain explain. There’s just something about the White Lotus theme that puts it ahead for me, though I can’t really put a finger on it. And because it lost, it’s the last time I’ll ever think of it because I have no interest in the actual show.

  • Peacemaker vs. Sanford and Son-lol at this match up. Sanford and Son sends the Peacemaker packing like a vagabond on a 40 state tour. I’m wondering how anyone can pick Peacemaker, but different strokes for different folks I guess.

  • Rawhide vs. NFL Primetime-Catchy theme song vs. phoned in library seeming music hmm, what to choose? It is time to get along little dogies, and shepherd that NFL Primetime song right over the cliff into the Grand Canyon.

  • Mission: Impossible by the slimmest of margins. A brutal 2nd round matchup.
  • Olympic theme and it’s not close.
  • GTFO Wonder Years.
  • Happy Days, I guess.
  • Mr Ed is funny, but no.
  • Hopefully we have a Disney cartoon in the 3rd round, and DuckTales should be the one.
  • I like King of the Hill, but I like Magnum, PI more.
  • Unsolved Mysteries is my favorite theme of this block. It really is perfect for the show.
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What the H is this lack of enthusiasm? Happy Days should ship this block if the Muppets don’t.


Agreed. Happy Days is elite.

By the way, my uncle’s brother not only had a hell of a career, but he also had bangers for theme songs:

Happy Days
Laverne & Shirley
Family Matters
Full House
Perfect Strangers
Bosom Buddies (probably shouldn’t count)

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Round 2, Block 4 justifications

  • Fresh Prince vs. Mission: Impossible-Dam, this was a really hard match up. I love both these themes and both are iconic in very different ways. If I had to live on a desert island with just one of these themes, I think I’d choose Fresh Prince. And that’s probably why I have to choose it here, too. Both are A+, but maybe Fresh Prince is a little bit more A+ for what it is.

  • Olympic Fanfare vs. The Office-In the easiest choice of the block, the absolutely perfect Olympic Fanfare buries The Office in horns telling that horrible theme to shut up.

  • I Dream of Jeannie vs. The Wonder Years-I get to zap The Wonder Years, a theme song I never liked. I always dug the I Dream of Jeannie theme with its big band jazz feel and catchy theme. Some people could go one way and some people could go another, but I’m not gonna bottle up my emotions about the I Dream of Jeannie song. That’s Major Nelson’s job.

  • Happy Days vs. The Odd Couple-Catchy 50s styled music vs. mopey 60s jazz that fits the show like O.J.'s glove should have fit at the trial. You may have won out on this one for others Happy Days, but Felix Ungar should have vacuumed up the Happy Days theme twice to keep it from dirtying up this competition. Maybe I will be able to vote out Happy Days in the next round. I sure don’t ever want to vote for it again.

  • Mister Ed vs. The Simpsons-The Simpsons winning this match up in a landslide is very unbecoming for a song about a talking horse. How many times have you heard a talking horse? The Simpsons only have 4 fingers. Which is weirder? If you said 4 fingers, you probably ended up choosing the Mister Ed theme like I did. Have any of you seen that show? It is goofy and strangely entertaining. I watched a bunch of episodes of it in college when I was addicted to Nick at Nite. Like the theme song, the show is a bit of an underrated gem in an era when there were some really goofy sitcoms airing on TV.

  • Duck Tales vs. In Living Color-The In Living Color theme demolishes Duck Tales for me. It’s like when you’re golfing and you accidentally hit a duck in a pond. You get penalized twice, once for losing your ball and the other for hurting a duck. The Fly Girls decided to go get that ball and then dance on that dead duck’s head, because they thought the theme song for Duck Tales should cause all ducks to go extinct. After listening to it again, I’m inclined to agree. Is that supposed to be a Hall and Oates or The Pointer Sisters knockoff?

  • Magnum P.I. vs. King of the Hill-King of TV theme songs Mike Post will take this down for me largely because I don’t get the King of the Hill theme song at all. Magnum P.I. is an ok theme, but wow I just don’t get King of the Hill at all. I don’t think Magnum P.I. would have much of a chance for me vs. anything in this competition, but this at least was an easy draw. I just don’t like that I have to vote for a guy who’s trying to steal your mama’s house.

  • Unsolved Mysteries vs. The Muppet Show-This is another brutal match up. I like both these themes a lot, but I have to go with The Muppet Show because Unsolved Mysteries doesn’t solve enough mysteries. You always knew The Muppet Show would have a wrap up. You didn’t know if Unsolved Mysteries would do anything other than remind you of Al Capone’s vault.

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