GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

Regardless of the outcome, Henry Mancini could pump out some absolute bangers.

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I did let the category fraud argument sway me to Scooby Doo this time. I don’t prefer it to Pink Panther musically.

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Just remember, he did What’s Happening

You two obviously didn’t do PE dances to the Pink Panther growing up or you would shut your jerk mouths.

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A monstrous betrayal going on right here

Round 2

  • There’s not really any more trash I can justify voting against while giving a pass to a non-original TV theme. The Pink Panther theme is an absolutely fantastic theme, but it’s a movie theme that doesn’t belong here.
  • lol, what a bloodbath. Saul shouldn’t have even made it this far.
  • Didn’t expect transphobia in the Cheers theme. Guess I never listened to the extended version before. Peter Gunn goes really hard, man.
  • Cops isn’t an original theme, even if it did popularize the song. Gotta go with Miami Vice.
  • NFL on Fox easily. WKRP is only here because of the meh-on-meh matchup last time.
  • Brutal matchup, but I go Gilligan’s because of it’s enduring and pervasive cultural impact. Just today it was involved in a beetlejuice meme, ffs.
  • I voted against both of these last time, but I’m on Batman for the same reason as Gilligan. Only one of these themes gets referenced all over the place in popular culture.
  • Law and Order isn’t the best, but man, the Beverly Hillbillies is annoying. Not sure how that’s winning.
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There’s a reason why it’s getting imitated so much.

Hmmmm. Miami Vice vs. Cheers was going to be tough for me, it may come down to intangibles like this. Even aside from that oh wow the extended version is rough compared to the show theme.

Beverly Hillbillies is the #2 theme song of all time, I do not get the hate. L&O is king of TV themes Mike Post at around his laziest, oldest, and most boring.

Because it is a legit great theme song. Some of you are letting your personal tastes cloud great theme writing. I’m doing it too, and will in the round 2 block 1, but saying the second all time greatest TV theme song is annoying is wild.

Me too. It’s an elite tune. I’ve heard it many times, but never knew the origin until this thread.

The Beverly hillbillies theme is flatt and Scruggs. Y’all some uneducated philistines.

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TIL that the hokey, annoying theme song to The Beverly Hillbillies was performed by actual musicians.

Still written by a TV producer though - Paul Henning, who also developed Petticoat Junction and Green Acres, two other shows with theme songs that I don’t like.

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Beverly Hillbillies wins because of lyrics for me. It tells a story!

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I’d like the Hillbillies lyrics better if they didn’t tell a story.

I learned so much from that song as a kid:

  1. If you shoot at things on your property, you might find oil.
  2. Oil, also known as black gold, or Texas tea, is very valuable.
  3. If you have money, your kinfolk will tell you to get the hell out of Appalachia.
  4. Beverly Hills is a desirable place with swimming pools and movie stars.

Suddenly might have to divorce MrsWookie.

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Each time I’ve listened to Miami Vice I keep waiting for it to actually get going. A show like Miami Vice warrants at least a somewhat memorable theme.

Neither theme is all that great. Looking forward to when the other gets knocked out.


Might have voted for this version of Peter Gunn over Cheers.