GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

Gonna be a bunch of blowouts in this block imo

Agree with above that the Wonder Years are cheating a bit. Let’s just put Yesterday as the theme song to a random show and win!

That’s the correct theme and a decent quality copy of it

You can disqualify it by voting against it lol

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  • Fresh Prince is a potential winner here, but YATR is a damn good theme.
  • Mission: Impossible is too iconic, but I liked The Rockford Files also.
  • John Williams is too fucking good.
  • Go Go Power Rangers!
  • X-Men theme didn’t do much for me. Jeannie all the way.
  • The Big Bang Theory is a terrible show, and this is Barenaked Ladies at their most annoying, but I’m still voting for it. WALHFMF doesn’t count as a great theme song. It’s just a song The Wonder Years used.
  • My God the anime entries have been absolutely fucked with their draws. I’m looking forward to the anime-only tournament. I’m not even an anime fan (though Chainsaw Man was fun), but there are so many bangers available.
  • Hill Street Blues vs Odd Couple a very weak ending to a what was a pretty good block.

Pretty strong block, imo, although that’ll play out more in upcoming rounds.

  • After the Young and the Restless took out my beloved Wire Season 1, I don’t want to vote for it, but I have begrudgingly admit that its a distinct and suitable theme for its show. Unlike a lot of playin winners, however, it’s up against an actual contender rather than something with an inexplicable view count. Fresh Prince might have its hands full next round with…
  • Mission Impossible is so good. It tells you exactly what kind of show you’re getting into, and it’s incredibly distinct. Rockford Files does nothing for me.
  • Olympic Theme is a musical triumph, and Night Court is forgettable. Next.
  • I kinda want to hate on Power Rangers for being super cheesy and for kids only, and it is, but it’s right for what it sets out to do. Still, the Office is really good, too, and it’s underseeded compared to where it should have been. Sorry, Power Rangers. Maybe it’ll resonate more with people a few years younger than me, as I was just a bit too old for Power Rangers when it came out.
  • This and the previous one are the close matchups for me. X-Men isn’t as good as I remember (it’d be much better with real instrumentation instead of a synthesizer) and Jeannie is pretty catchy. I am going to let my personal nostalgia take this one.
  • I should probably vote against the Wonder Years for not being an original theme, but no fucking way am I voting for the Big Bang Theory. Fuck off and die. I’ll vote for the X-Men/Jeannie winner next time.
  • I don’t love Happy Days all that much, and I wanted to keep an open mined about Chainsaw Man, but it’s just too thrashy and not nearly catchy enough.
  • I’ve never seen any of these shows, but Hill Street Blues sounds like it’s a show that would have a theme I’d like. It just … doesn’t? It sounds like a sitcom, not a gritty cop show. I’ll take the Odd Couple.

Interesting. Still good, but not as good as my memory of it.

I find it interesting that a lot of the YouTube videos posted aren’t the “real” theme song for their shows. It’s sometimes tough to judge a theme song when it’s a five-minute extended version versus the actual song from the show.

The theme songs also hit differently when heard with the actual video from the show’s opening credits, but I guess that’s ok if we’re judging the song only. I have a hard time separating the song from the video, though.

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Of course I get what people are saying about Wonder Years but it’s an iconic show intro that is a perfect fit thematically. Deserves a lot more credit than just slapping Penny Lane onto a random sitcom.

Also I ain’t listening to The Big Bang Theory song (I’m sure I’ve heard it before). Oooh do they all say bazinga?

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Even though it’s a song competition, you should still be viewing each one of these in context with the main title when possible. The iconic nature of some of these songs is because of how they’re used in context with the visuals. That’s why True Detective Season 1 and The Wonder Years still work in context, even though both should get big drops for not using original songs.

Are the sports themes undefeated so far?

They’ve had good draws

The thing about NBA on NBC is it just feels like 90s NBA. Every other team had an established 1st ballot HOF legend who was the face of the franchise.

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Seeding hardly matters, it’s mostly random anyways.

I’ve seen The Office 5x (except the shitty final seasons), but never really liked the theme much. Will be voting against it at every opportunity.

No anime theme was ever gonna win a round except if it were against one of the bottom 10 other themes. I love them, but it’s just not the right audience for them here.

Cowboy Bebop already won against a decent entry.

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Sometimes, but it’s not like any old sports theme is running the table. CBS didn’t get nominated, presumably because it’s more of a leitmotif than a theme:

And SNF didn’t make the cut, either, presumably being hurt by not being original:

This has enough views to make the cut, but no one cared:

The sports themes are all great, and there are dozens more you could have added, Masters and SEC on CBS come to mind. They all sound kind of samesy though, in that ES Posthumus instrumental style. I also feel a bit weird voting for them in a TV theme song competition, like I’d kinda prefer a scripted TV theme to be the overall winner. A sports only competition after would be interesting.

I can see some logic in making a distinction, but at the same time, the sports themes are there to make you want to sit down and watch TV programming. Even the Olympic theme, that’s something that’s known because of TV broadcasts, and not really anything else (even if, yes, they’ve been played at the opening and/or closing ceremonies of some games, usually American ones). I like having them all together. To make another Olympic reference, keeping the sports themes out of this seems like keeping professional athletes out of the Olympics on the basis that they’re too good and they make money. I say if the Olympic theme goes all the way, so be it.

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Reading up on the sports themes, I found this sentence odd re: the guy who created NBA on NBC

Tesh is now a rich man because of this song, as he has made six figures from royalties.

When I started reading that sentence, I was expecting a # much greater than merely 6 figures.

Also odd to use the “rich man” phrasing if he’s not even a millionaire from the song.

I remember reading the guy who made the UEFA Champions League theme that rips off Handel got screwed out of getting rich off it.


Mission Impossible is only crushing because of Tom Cruise.