GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

I knew both themes too, but decided to listen after voting for L&S. When the Munsters came on I thought “that sounds better than I remember “. Then as the cast was introduced I wondered “where was Wednesday, where was the dad?” I re-listened to see if I had missed them. Then it dawned on me—I had confused the Munsters with the Addams Family. Munsters theme is good, but L&S better.

I’m not understanding the love for Reading Rainbow. Gonna chalk it up to nostalgia.

QL/MacGuyver are vapid.

Golden Girls gets a bye to the second round.

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Star Trek: TNG reworked the theme from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. One of the only good things about that film.

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Oh fuck all y’all who ain’t picking Cowboy Bebop


Back in 4th grade, my teacher (Mr. S) frequently played episodes of Reading Rainbow for us. As we became familiar with the opening credits, it became common for a bunch of the class to happily sing along with the show’s theme song. I do not remember if I participated in the singing. It’s possible. I’m confident I was not in the group that I describe next.

At some point, some kids became sick of this sing-along tradition, and one day a number of them protested by covering their ears while people sang along. One of these was a kid named Matt. When this happened, Mr. S stood up and said that people were free to not sing along, but he demanded that the protesting students stop covering their ears. However, the next time this happened, a few of these students disregarded the demand and covered their ears again. Mr. S wasn’t having this; he felt firmly enough about it that he actually went over to Matt, grabbed his hands, and pried them off of his ears.

I’m guessing none of this would have stuck nearly as hard in my memory if it wasn’t for the fact that he not only pulled Matt’s hands away from his ears, but actually then hovered over him, hands poised to remove Matt’s hands again if he put them back on his ears. As the years went on, this part became more and more comical to me, because he had been intensely poised as if to prevent some imminent disaster from happening, like being ready to catch someone if they suffered a dangerous fall. I’m relatively sure that you could just impose detention or take away recess or whatever for continued insubordination, but no; this was a matter of national security. There was a class requirement to humor the sing-along people. By threat of physical force, those fucking hands were not going back on the ears.

Anyway, good theme, but it shouldn’t win here.


I never watched it (and that’s probably why I didn’t vote for it since it was a close call), but it’s pretty good.

Kind of reminds me of Archer (which is better imo). Speaking of Archer, is that in?

I did the exact same thing with MacGyver vs Quantum Leap. Both are ass.

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Can we just eliminate both of MacGyver and Quantum Leap and have both Cowboy Bebop and Animaniacs advance?


I will not stand for this Quantum Leap slander. I heard similar feedback about the intro to the Highlander theme, but I love the voiceover intros to both. They help fulfill the mission of a theme song to tell you everything you need to know in order to sit down and watch any episode. Pinnacle is probably Gilligan’s Island.

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Your quickest ticket out of it is probably to vote against it now.


I actual don’t dislike the Quantum Leap intro song. Although, I’m not sure it’s clear if the voiceover is supposed to count or not. I assumed it doesn’t. Maybe we can get a ruling on this before we continue.

Also we can’t put QL and Highlander in the same category. That QL song is fine, but Highlander is using a legit banger.

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No argument here. They even recut the song to only include the good parts.

As it stands, I predict a huge standoff when we finally see Animaniacs vs Gilligan’s Island.

If only I could, but the MacGyver theme isn’t very good.

What’s crazy is that anime themes are so much better than American themes. Songs from anime legit go on to top the Oricon Charts in Japan. American songs for TV are mostly meh jingles.

Sorry for going full weeb here but it is true.


Do they have any good tentacle porn theme songs? Asking for a friend.

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It’s better many of the true bangers were skipped since they would have been wasted losing to nostalgia bombs.

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After this finishes, we should do another bracket that’s fully anime themes.


If we include any (tv anime) ost track it would be sick. Maybe cap each individual anime.

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Death Note and Chainsaw Man have excellent intros, but not GOAT material imo.

Might as well name it the Yoko Kanno Tournament

Idk, Champloo and Bleach could almost make a bracket on their own.