GOAT TV Theme Songs: Bracket Set (Post 1228), Finals: Jeffersons vs. Mssion: Impossible

Sounds like someone’s plans were foiled by a bunch of rotten kids.

No, really, #1 overall seed Scooby is crazypants and I had to hesitate before voting for it, but I do basically like it.


I’m having trouble defining it, but it just has no teeth.


That doesn’t sound like the Cheers intro I’ve seen. It has an extra verse. Was it played for the first show or something?

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To be fair, “elevator-y” is pretty ubiquitous for anything between the 70’s entries and modern mini series.

Cheers could also be the theme song for all message boards.

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“Better Call Saul thematically perfectly captures it’s show and is memorable without having to hit play.” This is exactly why I went BCS. Plus it’s short and I like short intros. Get in, get out. (TWSS)


Jeopardy! Is a good song, but in a tough spot. How could it be as evocative as Twilight Zone? What emotions should a game show theme even try to evoke?

Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad: barely even themes

Miami Vice theme makes me want to watch Miami Vice.

Peter Gunn vs. Taxi was toughest for me. Both very good pieces and performances in their own way.


For some reason every recent video just started auto-playing at the same time for me. Quite a cacophony.

Miami Vice serious sleeper.


Feel like there are quite few lame ones that got into the rankings based on their yt numbers. Yes I am a little salty.



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A lot of these songs have extra verses that never get played on the opening credits. Best to just stick to the opening 30 seconds.

Unless of course you’re talking about Half Nelson, in which case you need to listen to it all, many times.


Yeah, Jeopardy could have advanced a time or two with a more favorable bracket, it’s a good theme, but it just has no business stepping to Twilight Zone.

Since Twilight Zone should walk over the Saul-Mando winner regardless, I suppose that matchup doesn’t matter too much.

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I think that happens if there are videos that you have paused partway through and the thread updates because someone makes a new post

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lol btw the german version of gummy bears has 13 million views.


And that’s why I did lol

crash_face: Because it’s country and I grew up in Texas hating country music while hearing it all the time

I am doing holistic judging here. It’s not just about which song is better, it’s also about how it fits the show. For example, suppose some song I really like was the theme of a show–Santa Monica by Everclear, say. I might pick a theme song I like less than Santa Monica, if it fit the show better.

This is why Miami Vice and Bad Boys work so well. Is Bad Boys a great song on its own, just listening to iPod? I dunno. But it’s perfect for that show.

When I haven’t seen the show, like Mandalorian, I have to just go by the quality of the song. This is kind of a flaw in my approach, but what are ya gonna do.


Yeah, I considered not voting for it for that reason (also why I don’t really want to vote for a theme song that wasn’t made for the show), but it’s so good that I still had to vote pink no matter who.

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I don’t even want to remember the Growing Pains theme song and my philosophy professor in college’s daughter was a writer on it. That was just a slam dunk for me to pick The Pink Panther without listening to either.

I was pretty flabbergasted when I beheld that gaudy view total for Scooby-Doo. It’s ripe for an upset, and I am pretty sure I’ll be voting against it in the near future. Perry Mason isn’t good enough, though.

Likewise, I plan on voting against Pink Pather soon, as I take off points for it not being originally a TV theme, but Growing Pains sucks.

Twilight Zone vs. Jeopardy is the hardest pairing for me this round. Both are so iconic that they get sung out loud in public as themes for the human experience, the former, for life’s eerie situations, and the latter, when pondering something. I went TZ because of the more emotional response.

BCS is a riff, not a theme. Mando easily.

Monkees theme seems underrated, but it ran into a juggernaut.

I don’t get the love for the Taxi theme. Peter Gunn by a mile.

Simon and Simon seems super generic to me. Miami Vice is much more evocative of a time and place.

Cops over another riff.

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Well you’re almost certainly looking at Pink Panther vs. Scooby Doo in the near future, so I think you’re going to have to remain on the Panther train a little longer. But if we end up with Twilight Zone vs. Pink Panther in the Round of 32, I do think Panther starts running into more resistance.

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lol, yeah, guess I should read my own bracket.

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