Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

Until the indictment is released, you could keep your anecdotes to local color, like dynaflows and the McGuire sisters?

Bro you just said Greenwald is a serious writer and you’re surprised that I think some of your arguments are intellectually dishonest? Doesn’t this thread go back like 5+ years including 2p2

Someone I’ve talked to for years, and who I have respect for and have treated with respect, calling me a scheming liar to my face makes me angry and hurts my feelings. So if I never reply to you again, that’s why.

It’s also worth saying that the list of politicians in US history who were criminally indicted is reasonably long, although almost certainly not as long as it should be; some of these were probably political prosecutions in a sense we’d all agree with, some of them were above board in a sense we’d all agree with, and some require a case by case analysis of whether being a politician contributed in some way for charges to be brought, but not necessarily in an inappropriate way.

Some tankie will probably AstronautMeme this, but the notion that prosecuting Donald Trump will usher the US into banana republic status is something that Jeanine Pirro doesn’t even believe. It’s time for quiet reflection if you’re earnestly arguing that point.

Is someone like Taibbi being irresponsible if he were to claim it is a political prosecution without seeing the charges?

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Someone here is behind the pitchbot account.

I don’t know how Taibbi came to his conclusion and am not accepting it at face value. I don’t take issue with anyone criticizing Taibbi for coming to that conclusion without being able to evaluate the charges. I think it’s probably unwise of him unless he has a lot more information than I do. Which is possible but reading his tweets I don’t get that sense.

Not close to what I said but ok

Ya. I’ve always tried to address the points in your posts directly instead of trolling you the way others do. Questioning your consistency - no one is perfectly consistent - regarding your political stances is a part of that. Let me ask you this, do you think Greenwald would be going on Tucker to be just as appalled if Hillary was indicted or would his tone be hahaha these libs got what’s coming to them. Have you paid any attention to his hundreds of tweets about Hunter Biden?

How closely do you read Taibbi? Just Twitter or do you consume his Substack and podcast? Do you think you follow his content more than other people in this forum?

Sorry, unprincipled liar? Is that closer? You were saying I was being dishonest in what I’m writing, right?

I haven’t seen greenwald speak about Trumps indictment. Is he appalled? I’ll watch his rumble show about it when I get home. But if Trump had locked up Hillary as promised then yeah I think he would have spoken against it. I’m sure Taibbi would have.

I’ve seen greenwald talk about hunter many times, almost always speaking out against the social media censorship around the ny post story. I fully agree with what he says about that.

Yea I’m guessing he wouldn’t treat the arrest of any of the Bidens as a political persecution

I read his articles. So much more closely than people here.

Trump brags about his crimes on the internet. One does not have to go looking.

Greenwald never objected to Trump being investigated by Mueller and always said something like he was waiting for the results of the investigation. Greenwald hasn’t, as far as I know, called this a political investigation. I guess if Taibbi says it you can lump all of the guys you despise into it if you want.

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Must have missed Tucker the other night. Maybe he and Taibbi are right, I don’t know. Seems rash though.

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Does anyone who’s concerned that Trump may be the victim of a political prosecution (because he may not have been prosecuted for this if he were a nobody) also believe that Trump has benefitted from any political non-prosecutions (ie done stuff that non-presidents or non-candidates would have been locked up for)?

Of course. And is not upset or worried about specifically Trump going to jail.

It’s wild to me how people are apparently not able to see how “he got away with a bunch of other stuff” does not erase the myriad negative externalities of the political prosecution* of someone none of us would piss on if he were on fire.

*If that’s what it is