Unfortunately I think that many people (not in this forum) take this too literally. They will dismiss this because obviously Putin isn’t signing the checks. In reality it would be an organization 5 untraceable steps removed from the GRU that supports Greenwald’s (or whoever’s) “important investigative journalism”, point him in the right direction and occasionally provide information to publish.
What Anarchy! zine? I don’t find anything googling that.
how’s it possible to be that uninformed about something
This whole affair is sending me. Everybody on all sides, especially the left, is playing the enemy of my enemy of my enemy of my enemy when it never should’ve gotten this far because the reality is this simple:
Greenwald is/was a South Park Republican, a center-libertarian, with a developmentally arrested aversion to authority as his only animating political view. So, the broken clock was right about the Bush wars, the surveillance state, Brazilian politics, and this seduced a broad swath of the left. It’s like, everybody rightfully mocks and derides Horseshoe Theory but then turns around and falls into a similar trap. “Oh, you think the Iraq war was bad? Welcome to the orgy, comrade! Would you like your ass eaten?”
I’m exhausted having to care simply because the left cares, because my big animating political view is that we in USA#1 don’t even have a burly, muscular left voice, much less a winning one, and one big reason is that the average person doesn’t even know what that looks like. It’s not even Glenn’s fault, he’s just doing his thing, but hating big-t big-g The Government because your parents made you clean your room and it’s a bad look to still hate them for it as an adult isn’t The Left.
p.s. To be fair and accurate, his husband being a socialist has had an effect. He finally got around to mentioning socialized healthcare a few months ago.
I only follow a few dozen people on twtter and goddamn I might need to log off because even Carl’s lost his mind:
Don’t you see, Glenn wasn’t allowed to be The Boss Of All News therefore something something labor issue something collectivism something. Jfc.
The next time I’m working the grill and the guy working the window says, dog, this isn’t a burger you just pooped in between a bun I can’t give this to that customer, I’m gonna say my burger was vetoed and my free expression censored and be a true radical left hero.
Ok I might already be following them (I said a few dozen, just checked and it’s more like 70) but hit me!
I know exactly the type but Carl never rubbed me that way, then again it’s not like I’ve seen every take of his.
Well you got the spirit correct, that I don’t follow many and am open to suggestion.
I think that’s it. Took me a while to find it. I never paid much attention to the subtitle. I guess it’s technically a journal and not a zine. That’s why searches were coming up dry.
I talked to several vendors and ran into Aragorn! and Wolfi Landstreicher, of Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed magazine. I asked if we could get a group photo taken but they declined, citing they were concerned I would post the photo on the internet.
Perusing the Anarchy Mag table, I noticed a couple books by Hakim Bey, equally famous for his misrepresentation of islamic mysticism as for his authorship of several articles in NAMBLA publications. I questioned why they would have an author associated with NAMBLA on their table, and they responded forcefully that they believed “age of consent” laws should be “abolished”, that they were for “consensual man-boy love”, and that the issue of what consituted “consent” was “up for debate”. They further pressed the point and said that having an age of consent was un-anarchistic (!), and furthermore that many people were being persecuted and wrongly convicted for having consensual relationships with underage youth.
I used to make fun of my buddy who got this in the early 90s, and is now a big Trump fan, for the NAMBLA articles.
Obviously I’m not trying to imply the anarchy movement is about pedophilia in any way. But the movements with anarcho- in front of their name do seem to attract some of those types who would like to see consent laws changed, for very practical reasons.
Whenever you build a movement around abolishing the rules you are going to
get people supporting who want much different rules abolished than perhaps you do. Be it the Civil Rights Amendment, drunk driving laws, slavery, or pedophilia, it’s a big tent and you need to be comfortable with all your allies…
Greenwald is already the eighth most popular paid writer on substack.
You never came across those back in the day? They were around. Plus the quickly found their way online in the early days of dial up modems and bbses.
Nope. I’m sure it was around. I spent a fair amount of my youth in Berkeley, but did not seek out political theory. My communist friend was into Heidegger, not zines.
hahahahaha Glenn making the jealous haters furious
This list is like a who’s who of People There’s No Way In Hell I’m Paying Actual Money To Read Their Shitty Hot Takes