Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

I think the point is that if the laptop-left-at-the-repair-shop story is false then we are dealing with hacked materials. Nobody wants to talk about that so the focus remains on, “Look, see, these e-mails must be real because no one has said otherwise!”

I mean, the Podesta e-mails weren’t forgeries.

That certainly is a good play if large parts of the media will do PR for your campaign, openly calling the story “Russian disinformation.” Hard to fault the Biden campaign’s move here tactically.

You’re right, the media shouldn’t be touching this story AT ALL. The story should be the dirty tricks done by high level advisors to the President of the United States to discredit the child of his political opponent within a month of the election.

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But again, isn’t the first step in reporting that story getting Hunter to deny that he dropped the laptop off at the repair store?

Greenwald is Absurdist Moronist.

What about Donald Trump has lol Greenwald investigated. There have been hundreds of issues that rise to the level of the Biden laptop and beyond. How much journalistic effort did Glenn expend there?

At this point greenwald is a partisan hack, pretending like he is some sort of Dudley Doright. Acting like he is doing the work no other journalist will do is lol.

It’s just a coincidence that every time he talks about anything in the US he is only targeting half the political spectrum while sitting in a chair next to a republican crisis actor. There is zero legitimacy to him.

It’s amusing how greenwald went in hard on Obama and Hillary then when trump got elected left the country, disappeared for almost four years and then returns just in time to see Biden potentially win. Sure it is a coincidence.


I have concluded part 1 of my SK pedophilia investigation, and found damning evidence!

There are half naked photos of SK posted on this very message board, a website accessible by minors!!!

SK, why did you send half naked photos of yourself to minors??? Do you deny doing this??? Have you ever spent time with a child alone in real life??? If so, do you have proof that you didn’t rape them???


Are you ok?

Disgusting that you would use the implication of mental illness to deflect rather than answer straightforward questions. One of the most dishonest posters there is in politics.



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I would like to see Keed’s proof so we can all move past this.

Keed is the only lib I know who is this good at triggering the libs.

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Quite a coup for trading in all your credibility for “triggering libs”

Greenwald’s position is that the emails “so far just establish standard sleaze”. Shouldn’t they not be newsworthy then? Why should the Biden campaign answer questions about something that isn’t a story? If they are newsworthy, but also “standard”, then wouldn’t virtually every public figure’s emails meet that definition of newsworthiness? What then prevents our media discourse from being completely dominated by the kind of people who are able to make these kinds of leaks?

I certainly think that sleaze like the $50,000 a month Burisma board seat for Hunter is newsworthy and should be reported on. That sort of corruption shouldn’t be standard, and the fact that it is doesn’t mean it should be ignored. I suspect Greenwald agrees.


“This thing which has been reported on should definitely be reported on.”


How much was it if broken down hourly? What if we convert it to Yen?

Whatever Glenn does he should NOT explore the $75+ million Trump Inc is estimated to have made off his office just in the first two years of his presidency because that shit by god is not in any way newsworthy.


Was GG a conservative or something? I never heard of him until I saw this thread.

He co-broke the Edward Snowden story and gained a lot of respect from both libertarians and lefties. He has been steadily pissing it all away in the years since.


Started from the beginning and read the thread. It’s giving me more context