Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

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Okay, now has the Russia conspiratarding gone too far?

How 'bout now?

Its reasonable Russia views Bernie’s life history of arguing for reducing military spending (which IMO is the greatest argument for voting Bernie), as something that benefits them strategically if it gets enacted.

Still don’t think that anywhere near compares to have an easily corruptible billionaire on call, something that’s Putin’s bread and butter.

This is sort of like sexting. At some point everyone will have nudes of themselves online so nobody will need to be embarrassed.

If the Russians are “helping” everyone are they helping anyone.

Just read something saying that if Bernie’s Green New Deal goes through, it will drive down oil prices – to exporter Russia’s great pain.

I was reminded of Keed, which obviously made me think of Greenwald which obviously had me check his Twitter.

I will just post his most recent tweet:

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Since you reminded me that this thread exists:

Suggesting that the protests and riots taking place across the United States is the result of some sort of Russian plot is pretty dumb and worth ridiculing.

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And MSNBC did spend too much time giving it air time yesterday.

Glen has some amazing takes and some really amazingly bad ones. Some massive blind spots.

whoa hold on a second



I have defended him in the past… Especially wrt Chelsea Manning and brazil

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decided to look up some details of this dastardly Russian plot

But the apparent new plot, discussed as recently as 2018 ahead of the 2020 presidential election, goes much further. The documents reportedly contain shocking proposals such as sending black Americans to Africa “for combat prep and training in sabotage,” as well as targeting people who have previously been incarcerated and people “who have experience in organized crime groups … for participation in civil disobedience actions.”

The goal, it seems, was to encourage the newly trained African Americans to create their own pan-African state in America’s South. That would “undermine the country’s territorial integrity and military and economic potential,” according to one document, by “destabiliz[ing] the internal situation in the US.”

I agree.

Greenwald is once again being a disingenuous piece of shit. I really don’t get your hero worship of this guy :man_facepalming:

How’s he being disingenuous? It’s ridiculous that anyone thinks the Russians are involved in these protests in any significant way and it’s incredibly dumb that MSNBC spent any time at all on that nonsense.

Don’t know about “hero worship” but yeah I like Greenwald and have been reading his work for over a decade. I’m at least equally mystified by the amount of hatred he inspires in you guys, particularly for obviously correct takes like this one.

This take is definitely correct. I don’t think he is always correct on Russia, he is far too invested in D hypocrisy and not enough in the lies that this administration has told wrt Russian communications.

He’s being disingenuous because his implication with that tweet is that the notion that Russia is stoking racial tensions in the US is coming solely from omgz teh demorat MSNBC’s Barb McQuade. He didn’t bother reading the fucking article she linked, and apparently neither did you. It quotes intel and FBI officials who, at least for now anyway, work for the Donald Trump administration.

The direct effect of its interference on presidential politics is less clear, though some American officials said that Russia believed that acts of violence could bolster President Trump’s re-election bid if he could argue that a response to such an episode demanded continuity and that he represented a law-and-order approach.

The F.B.I. and other intelligence agencies declined to comment on specific Russian activities.

“We see Russia is willing to conduct more brazen and disruptive influence operations because of how it perceives its conflict with the West,” David Porter, a top agent on the F.B.I.’s Foreign Influence Task Force, said last month at an election security conference in Washington.

He added, “To put it simply, in this space, Russia wants to watch us tear ourselves apart.”

I mean, is it a stretch to draw a direct line from Russia to these protests? Absolutely. But it’s even more of a stretch to pretend that it’s some narrative being manufactured by the Dems or NBC or MSNBC or Barb fucking McQuade.

Except, McQuade is explicitly drawing the line from Russia to the protests? Which you seem to simultaneously agree is ridiculous and be mad at Greenwald for pointing out the absurdity of her take.

Dude’s always looking to go against the grain so that he can stand out among the pack.

He’s the Uncle Ruckus of liberals.