Getting Older

It only takes me 10 - 12 hours to 8 hours of sleep.

I started listening to ASMR videos to try and get to sleep, in they early days they were so stupid it would sometime distract me and I’d fall asleep.

I’ve told this before here but a funny story whenever apnea is discussed…

I snore a lot, and loudly. So Ms. JordanIB insisted I finally go to an ENT. Standard-issue first step is to order a sleep study. But first they give you the standard sleep apnea questionnaire. And well, frankly, I don’t register any/many of these symptoms. Outside of the occasional afternoon power nap, I feel good and not tired.

So I fill it out. ENT comes into the room, looks it over. And then says to me something along the lines of “Soooo, for the insurance company to cover the sleep test, you actually have to have a score above x, and it looks like you’re below x. I’ll give you a few more minutes to look it over - think carefully about all of these symptoms and if you’re experiencing any of them.”

I got the sleep test and fell on the very mild end of it. Really didn’t want to deal with a CPAP, so I ended up just getting a dental appliance from my dentist, which has helped a lot with the snoring.

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I really dont think you need professional help. I think if you lived on a farm in Iowa for a year with no SM youd probably have to force yourself to think and youd be sleeping better. Habits are a bitch to break and they all snowball together. Try to get your cortisol levels down naturally and tweak what you can - but thats literally rhe hardest part.

I used to read a geology textbook at bedtime. I found the subject matter interesting, but not engaging like a novel. Basically taking in information and not getting sucked into a story.

Before social media, I would often start reading and not stop until I finished the book.

I always overthink at night, and the only solution over the years has been to put on mildly bad or very familiar TV shows on at just high enough volume that I can make it out, but not so loud it’ll wake me up later.

In recent years adding CBD oil before bed has really helped with both falling asleep and staying asleep. I used to have an awful habit of waking up at 4am to pee, and then tossing and turning for 3 hours and finally falling back to sleep like 6 minutes before my alarm went off, which is the most miserable thing ever. Now it never happens even if my stupid brain tries to psych me out, like “oh no now I’ll never fall back to sl…zzzzzzzzz.”

Ive probably subconsciously seen Futurama about 80 times due to this.

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I seldom have trouble falling asleep. In fact, I have the opposite problem. I read out of habit before sleeping and want to read more but I literally fall asleep while reading to the point that the book drops out of my hands. That’s when it’s time to turn out the light.

Friend of mine watches those Hallmark love stories. Guaranteed to put you asleep.


History books are good to fall asleep to, especially ancient history from like 4000 to 500 BC. Sometimes even Roman history. Audible has an audiobook per month subscription that is good.

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I watch chess videos.

Just have some dude analyze a top GM game going through a bunch of convoluted lines. Knocks me out. Only works if I’m actually tired. If I’m awake, I love that shit.

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I don’t usually have a certain time I have to get up so I just stay up watching Columbo or whatever till I feel sleepy then tell my smart speaker to play white noise (helps with mild tinnitus) and drift off fairly quick.

Do you wake up feeling rested and energized? Or are you sleepy/tired/fatigued throughout the day and wish you could get more sleep?

A gene has been identified in people who only need four to six hours of sleep. They are called Naturally Short Sleepers/NSS.

Oh, maybe thats what I have. I generally sleep 11/mid - 5

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