Getting Older

As a community we have been together for roughly 10-20 years, and I would imagine most of us have gone through a lot of changes as we have gotten older. Post old man/woman shit here.

I got a weird one this morning. I woke up with a shoulder cramp at about 3:30 which is weird enough, but there was a weird little pain in my right shin, and when I reached down to touch it there was a fucking dent in my leg, and not a little one either. Like, 3-4 cm long on my shin. WTF?

It went away about 15 minutes later and happened in the same leg I regularly get calf cramps at night. Im sure I’m either sleeping incorrectly somehow or am missing some kind of nutrient, but no idea what the fuck that is.

Sorry I can’t relate

I have never been old and I never will be


Relationships do not get easier as you get older. If anything, they get harder.

A few years ago I started having this weird pain chest/back that first presented almost like a panic attack but feels like a rib or something is out of place. Woke up with it again this morning but was able to stretch it back into place. Really annoying…

Relationships were only easy when we were young and our guards were pretty much down. You also hadn’t done anything yet so sharing life stories was easy. Now there are decades of stupid shit that you don’t even want to think about, and the idea of listening to someone new’s version of the same is just too tiring to think about.


Funny. I was thinking of starting an Old Posters Thread. I just applied for Social Security and Medicare. This is some complicated shit. I could do an AMA but you young punks probably wouldn’t be interested. Seriously though, you should start looking into this crap if you know what’s good for you. I will do a post later with some basic info.


Although I am 10+ years away, I would be interested

Edit: unsure if any choices I make now could have ramifications down the road

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This threads hits a bit as I’m gonna be 40 soon. I know that’s below the average here but it has me thinking about getting older.

Yeah, I turned 41 in November, its a different feeling than being in my 30s even though Ive never really thought about aging prior

You might be closer than you think. Ten years ago I didn’t expect to be taking SS early. Setting up an account at and starting to pay attention before it really matters can’t hurt. I mean these are insurance programs. You need them when shit happens.

I’m 38 so probably below the I’m getting old age but one thing that really bothers me now are I’ve had a couple joint or tendonitis type injuries to my elbow from golfing and wrist from bowling and they never heal. In the case of the elbow I’ve gone 6+ months without swinging a club but as soon as i start up the pain comes back. This has been going on for 5+ years, I’ve seen a sports ortho doctor, done some exercises but no luck.

I have the same issue with my right elbow from playing badminton. It also affects me when snapping a straight punch out in martial arts. I’ve stopped smashing returns in badminton for a while and it has minimized the impact of the pain in martial arts.

Also being in recovery from a severe sprained ankle is making it hard for me to do much exercise that isn’t PT-related.

I’m 49. For me it’s the weird little aches and pains that come and go. I’m a side sleeper and yesterday I woke up with my elbow bothering me. It was sore all day for the most part. Today I woke up and the pain is gone. I also hate driving at night now.

Oh and I’ve realized that it’s more important to work out and exercise as you get older. I know one good strength test is lying down on the floor and then standing up without using your hands or arms. I’ve been working on that and hoping to do it by my 50th birthday.


What on earth? I’m having trouble visualizing this. Do you roll to your side, roll up onto your knees and then stand up?

Maybe roll on your back and do a sit-up with enough momentum to stand up?

WHAT ChatGPT - Sit-to-Stand Strength Test i can make it to a 1/4 squat

Basically this. You lay down, sit up, then stand. People that can’t do this have a higher risk of dying at a younger age.

Hey, I did it. A little uncomfortableness in that right hip when I move the right leg behind, but otherwise, still got it. Ill need to try keeping that up

And yeah, I know Im only 41, but I’m also 305 pounds


Oh, I thought you meant lying down on your back, not just sitting.

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Want to gauge how difficult this is.

Anonymous poll:

Can you do what the lady in the video did?
  • Yes, easily.
  • Yes, but with some difficulty.
  • Yes, but had to cheat a tiny bit.
  • No, did not even get close.
0 voters

Had to go downstairs to do this and now am more winded than I should be… Flipping the leg behind me to be able to roll up onto knees almost tipped me over. I think I used my hands going from one knee to standing up without thinking about it. So done with a little cheating, confident I could do it for reals the next time. Probably need to start doing more air squats during Zoom meetings. That one legged standup wasn’t as easy as it should have been… 57, 285.