ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Hrm, my default reaction to the girl clearly about to stab someone was that shooting her seemed standard. I guess I’m part of the problem? I dunno, I guess without really soul-searching, if one human is about to murder another human, it’s ok to kill the would-be-murderer?

I suppose I’d definitely prefer another outcome if there was one, but I’m not sure trying to shoot the knife out of their hand or shooting them in the leg is a legit possibility, if it was, I guess I’d prefer that. Some other non-lethal subdual would seem great too, but I dunno, she was about to stab up that other person and that isn’t cool imo.

How long do you think it would take a streetwise adult to get a 13/16 year old angry and frustrated enough to pick up a weapon in defence?

There was an attempted stabbing within seconds of a cop arriving on the scene. While I agree cops should attempt to use non-lethal force against knife-wielding people, given the body cam video we have seen I am willing to consider that the use of a gun in this case very likely saved someone from getting killed. There was no time for anyone to reasonably process the entire situation other than “one person is about to get stabbed by another person and I have barely a second to react and stop it.” It’s a shit situation to be in. Kill someone, or watch someone kill someone else. It’s a trolley problem, people are going to be critical no matter which option you choose. It sucks that the person was 15, but lol at somehow being able to deduce their age and mental development that quickly, even if it should be a factor in that situation. The only reasonable thing I think you can consider that quickly is if the person has the size and strength to deliver a lethal stab wound.


I would have been fine with someone shooting then 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse before he could shoot someone. I might even say it’s a shame that someone didn’t.

Is there a difference between a teen with a knife and a teen with a gun?

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Obviously you don’t realise that being part of the local ins’ requires you to bully and frustrate the up and coming kids into stupid things like fighting?

The issue is that all these interactions somehow end up as Jack Bauer 5 seconds to save a city moments. Like, someone already has a knife a quarter inch into your ribcage and you have a gun, what do you do? It can’t possibly have been inevitable that it got to that point. That decision is obvious but it’s the 50 poor decisions that led to that point that need addressing. Analysing the situation from the 5 second perspective isn’t the way to approach these things.


I do not know. Trying to remember back to when I was 15, and I can’t really imagine a situation where I could have been goaded into murdering someone with a knife, but that’s not really strong evidence one way or another.

I do see your point (if I’m understanding it) that a 15 year old would likely be less “rational” in their decisions in general, but I still don’t really see a ton of 15 year old murderers per capita, though I suppose there might be data that shows kids murder at a higher rate. That doesn’t seem right to me though, tbh.

Once KR decides to shoot, I think its fair to shoot back

I think the one conclusion we can draw for certain is that the NRA was right all along, knives are just as dangerous as guns, and we should all carry 4 firearms to defend ourselves from these roving gangs of urban knife-wielding thugs.

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I honestly don’t even have a good frame of reference on how deadly getting stabbed by that knife would be. If they let her get in and start stabbing away for a second or two before tackling and disarming, how likely is it that the victim could be saved? I guess I’m assuming that someone with a knife like that getting into stabbing range is going to kill the person much of the time, but maybe not?

At that age, if I’m stabbing someone, I’m stabbing them in the face. The older and wiser me knows what a femoral artery is.

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In defense of Judge Dredd, judges are required to have knowledge of the law and 15 years of some of the most rigorous training, that most candidates fail to pass. Despite being a dystopian nightmare, this seems in some way an improvement over the street justice handed out today by poorly trained individuals who have protections embedded in their ignorance of the law.

*I’m fun at parties.


Will you make a map of where the femoral artery is so you can try to incite others to give it a good stabbing?


Womp womp

Oh you aren’t aware of the “Public Officials Doctrine”?

I like how racist cop lovers just make up new dream wishes every day.

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Sure, I can see this and understand why… Its hard to see it happening if you haven’t been there or seen it before, @6ix maybe better to write it out, but a big part of being on the streets (I’m not saying that this 15 year old was) but as a general rule when dealing with teenagers they

Are less forgiving of a bad FB post and nowadays that’s a life threatening moment for them in their circle of friends, especially 15 year old girls, whom In my experience are more likely to act irrationally by picking a weapon up.

A UK police person would have acted in a different way by producing their batton and immediately getting in between the assailant and victim dissolving the situation a little bit & with their training being able to react in the moment.

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At first I thought you might be conflating him and one of his clients Claus Van Bulow but damned if you aren’t right, he did kill his first wife. No wonder he worked so hard for Claus.

Didn’t Dersh’s first wife kill herself?