ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Yikes. Talking about “hand to hand combat” or “securing the knife arm” are incredibly cringe. Sounds like pure nerd fantasy from someone that’s never been in a fight, let alone a knife fight where there’s violent intent.

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Too bad the cop didn’t mistake his taser for a gun.


Dude, @Cactus and his bros would have totally taken down the assailant with a roundhouse ninja kick POW POW and flexed mightily over the prone body of the vanquished villain while sexy ladies massage oil into their manly, manly biceps.



Kinda hard to get pissed about what happened in Columbus.

It sucks and is depressing but even Bruce Lee would’ve used a gun on somebody attacking with a knife if he had one on him.



Fortunately in the UK when a knife is present the UK police will try as hard as possible before using deadly force and IMO that’s the correct position.

Under no circumstances do I want to see Judge Dread on MY STREETS.


And I’ve had friends who have been murdered & I didn’t change my opinion.

What do the UK police do when someone pulls their arm back with a knife in it and starts to lunge at someone else in a stabbing motion?

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Bruce Lee’s a little scared boy then.

If your 1st thought is to shoot to kill a 15 year old with a knife who is attacking another 15 year old then I really don’t have any words for that.

Is this thinking in most Americans?


That is absolutely the thinking for most American police.

And most Americans are okay with that.


I agree that this is preferred, but in each of these cases the person with a blade on not in striking distance of another person who isn’t a cop.

Nonetheless I of course agree that American cops should absolutely be trained to use force other than shooting people, in the Columbus case there are probably other root causes as well like American police are well known to be slow in responding to calls from black neighborhoods.

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Part of the problem in the US is also litigation culture on top of the racism. If the cop tries to slow things down and the 2nd 15 year old is actually stabbed, that’s a $200 million law suit or something.


They deflect the blade with a stiff upper lip.


In Australia the police shot and killed a teenager in a similar situation (Tyler Cassidy, I’ll never forget the name which understates to me how big a story it was),and it was a story for months about what a disaster it was for the police. First they pepper sprayed him, fires warning shots, fired at his legs and finally shot him and the decision to finally shoot to kill was (and rightly so) pretty widely criticised iirc. Led to widespread use of tasers among police

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Yeah, I think the Columbus death is going to suffer from proximity to the George Floyd case result, the police violence is so grotesque in the GF case, I think it is inevitable that people will anchor on that and instinctively say Columbus was “not as bad”.

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The 1st time I came across a knife crime in my job was around 2002, sitting at a set of traffic lights and out of the blue this young guy just slumped in the road at the side of the traffic lights almost in front of my vehicle.

My instinct was to get out and so I did, then his assailant came and when I seen the knife I started to make as much noise as possible while backiiiing away, the young dude just lunged at the young boy and stabbed him again and I’m in shock tbh, hoping that my shouts for help are getting heard.

At that moment 2 police officers came from around the corner and automatically got their batons out and attacked the knife thug, putting him on the ground while hitting him again until the knife dropped and they got his hands under control.

Within 3/4 min3the whole ordeal was over & fortunately the officers were not harmed, the poor guy who got stabbed was in a bit of a bad way.

In other incidents I’ve witnessed the UK police will charge you while you hold a weapon or knife hence why when the refugees in Glasgow called the police because 1 of them had took a knife and decided to stab a few residents the 1st officer on the scene took it apon himself to defend the refugees and confronted the assailant, resulting in a major stab wound and I believe until the situation became untenable for the officers inside the Hotel, they did not shoot to kill until that moment.

Unfortunately in our city the knife is the preferred weapon and most glaswegians have experienced some sort of knife violence whether being a witness or a victim.


If someone is attacking another person with a knife, does their age matter?

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Why should it matter whether a 15-year-old is about to be stabbed by another 15-year-old or by a 30-year-old? If the same risk of harm is the same, why should the response be different?

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