ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

There’s no question the narrative will be that this shooting was justified and this certainly necessitated a much harder and quicker decision making process than many other police murders. I just question the training. He quietly yells: hey, hey, hey, get down, get down, instead of: FREEZE OR I’LL SHOOT! I don’t think the girl even realized there was a gun trained on her.

I guess the question is, if he doesn’t shoot and the other girl gets stabbed and killed, is the officer negligent or derelict in his duties?

Maybe they asked Pelosi to assist with their PR today?

I’m going to assume the cops came in with sirens on, so she should have been aware the police were there.

I definitely think the officer would be derelict in his duties if he doesn’t shoot and the other girl gets stabbed/killed. There’s a reasonable expectation of imminent harm.

To bring up a previous point, I think the video suggests that this take is inaccurate:

In the video shown, it looks like they tend to her within seconds.

Can’t really engage in hand to hand combat w a knife wielding person trying to stab someone. It is way to dangerous and very likely would not neutralize the threat of at all.

This is actually a circumstance where the force was necessary. They don’t happen very often but protecting someone from being stabbed is up there with protecting someone from being shot.

Obviously the police can ask for them to drop the knife/put your hands up, but how long you allow for that would ge totally situational dependent.

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Yeah if the story is “Teenager murders teenager with knife while police watch and eat popcorn” that would not be great.

Just so people know, if you have a concealed carry weapon in Texas (can’t speak to other states) you would be justified shooting in that circumstance.

I think we need to be careful not to conflate circumstances like someone is being belligerent, someone is running away, someone is not following orders, someone is struggling to breath and being murdered by police and. Ca case where someone was actively trying to inflict grievous bodily injury/death on another person.

Everyone should be able to handle that sort of nuance.

Police are still not likely the right tool for that job, but given the circumstance and that they were there it’s about as good as you could hope for.

If the decision is made that a person’s life is in imminent danger they are going to fire with the sole purpose of making sure they die. There is no trying to injure them, no shooting once to see if they might not stop. Once they make that decision it is final.

I don’t actually have a problem with this inherent thought process for the use of deadly force. I have a problem because most of the time nobody is in danger and there is zero justification at all.

I know some won’t agree with my position on this and that’s okay. Doesn’t really change my view on police or abolishing them and replacing them with better mechanisms.

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It’s about to be real awkward for the poor girl who avoided a stabbing.

I think the real question on all our minds is: Would we send a cop back in time to kill baby Hitler?


I would send a cop back in time to jab a coat hanger up the vagina of pregnant mama Hitler.

you never go full NBZ



Without knowing anything about law, how the SC works or even having gone to Harvard, I predict that this is something that is not happening.

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Breaking : Alan Dershowitz is a creepy pedophile who killed his wife and got away with it.


Like I said in another thread, haircuts like those are proof that billionaires have no friends.

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Although with taxes, if you increase corporate taxes then corporation do “leave” the country, for tax purposes. Not to say that I disagree with you what you wrote, just wanted to jump on the opportunity to call out another one of America’s broken tax issues that should be resolved if we are also going to start asking households to pay more tax on their employment income.

AOC nails it as usual


Lol, I think Dershowitz has mad cow disease. Yesterday while waiting for the verdict I indicated that the odds of an acquittal on both murder counts was roughly equivalent to a rogue interstellar object colliding with the earth and knocking it into the sun. The odds of the US Supreme Court fucking around with this verdict are roughly equivalent to our Universe spontaneously entering a different quantum state and ceasing to exist.



Tbf to outsiders the American prison and justice system does look quite alien.

Glad for the verdict but pretty depressed at how widespread victory celebrations are across my social media and in the wider media in general. Looks like racism is over. Waaf