ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Any guesses on when the George Floyd Accountability in Policing Act is introduced?

Accountability requires funding.

Isn’t that a hung jury? I mean 12 people saying he’s not guilty.

I meant he only needed one to not get convicted.

They would of course retry the case if that happened. But if he gets his one guy again, then I suspect they let it go. Which works out the same as an acquittal. So I guess it would be more accurate to say he only needs 1/12.

Nah they wouldn’t have given up on it that quickly

Yeah, maybe they go 3 or 4 times. I’ll buy that. But he still just needs 1/12.

So I couldn’t get myself to watch the original footage of the murder until tonight after he was convicted. I mean I knew all the details. But fuck that this was even a sweat.


Columbus circling the wagons

Looks like the 15 y/o was attacking another child with a knife. Bodycam footage released. Definitely going to blow up when murder charges aren’t brought. Expecting lots of businesses to burn at minimum.

Cops are getting their overtime this summer, one way or another.

The rioters are a false flag after all!

But that isn’t what acquitted means. It means found not guilty. He was never in a million years being found not guilty with 4 African Americans on the jury.

Yeah, I agree with that.

I mean fuck the police and all that, but the girl has a knife and is about the stab the other girl. This is what cops are trained to do. No way is he gonna be convicted here.


Maybe I’m being silly, but I need to know more about the scene. What, was only one cop present at the time? Why is discharging a gun 4 times into someone the very first course of action? Have they no training at hand to hand combat? Couldn’t they distracted the child with the knife by using a baton or other officers securing the arm that held the knife. Yeah, maybe one of them gets cut or stabbed, but that’s a much preferable to someone dying from 4 gunshot wounds

Of course, the excuse is going to be they were in the process of saving someone else’s life, not their own. I don’t buy it. Especially if the other person wasn’t White


Because cops are trained to neutralize the situation immediately. And that means using fire power.

It’s fucked up, but this is what we need to fix.

And then after shooting someone 4 times they just stand there and watch them bleed out like a dog. Never even dawned on that cop to assist her in any way

Edit: My apologies to dogs. Most people would try to assist a dog helplessly lying on the ground dying

Here’s the entire press conference. It looks like the cop exits the car after responding to a 911 call complaining that someone was trying to stab them and immediately comes upon a scene where one person is attacking others.

Well yea. It’s fucked up. I’m not denying that. But that’s how they are trained. This is what needs to be fixed.