General Strike May 1st: no Work, no Shopping, no School

You don’t have to be ostentatious to not be humiliated. Everyone who knew you (including importantly you yourself) knew that you could have a better car. In fact, you were/are proud of not being ostentatious.

I’ve been in both places, where I had a cheap car, but could afford better and where I can’t afford better. The dent on the door doesn’t feel the same in both cases (and I’m not talking about when you’re a broke college student and no one expects anything different).


Totally fair point. The simple ability to make that choice is certainly privilege.

This never happened.

So, let me get this straight. You would not have gone into work if I had advocated one way, but because I advocating a different way, now you wanna go into work?

That’s a direct analogy to the sheeple who would have voted against D.Trump, but because they were tired of hearing about racism, voted for him instead.

SMH at the White Moderates… as always, and forever !!!1!

This is a an interesting point worthy of further discussion. We have shown that downsizing the global economy is possible. It’s come at a huge cost economically, of course. The question is how much of this can be maintained while allowing the economy to start again.

At my company for example, there is already talk of how many people need to go back to the office and if there is real value in business travel given how we have been getting along fine without either. If we maintain that there is a lot less fossil fuel burning.

Other examples like this, if wildly adopted, could be a silver lining of this whole mess.

I’m not talking about whether I would or wouldn’t have joined the strike, I’m talking about how people are responding to your posts.

If your advocacy was more convincing, then I would be more likely to be convinced yes. Not sure how that makes me analogous to a Trump voter.

My point is more like I don’t think the biggest difference between you and someone who doesn’t do anywhere near as much or any Amazon/Costco/trinkets of any kind has all that much to do with caring that much more or being all that much less lethargic. The participants are not mostly motivated by greed, hedonism and laziness. The other life you might imagine is not actually that difficult or uncomfortable, it’s just not respected.

Like you said, most people are victims of it.

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Well, as I mentioned, I don’t do activism on Unstuck. So go into work if you want to, I guess.


I guess I’m constantly being the devil on your shoulder. It’s just that it’s something I’m interested in.

Living that way and setting an example shouldn’t be called “bowing out”. Not if that’s meant as something negative anyway.

Things are bad not because of capitalism, but because of humanity. Slavery, war, starvation, massive inequality have all existed since the beginning of civilization.

Regulated capitalism + strong welfare protections have created the societies with the highest standards of living and highest levels of happiness currently known to man.

Seems like the best we’ve got for now, and we should continue to work on improving it.


I suggest your company is reticent to work from home, not because they are ruled by the Capitalist class, but by the managerial class, and the success of WFH shows how useless a lot of what they do is.

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Problem solved. We call all go home now and enjoy our better world.

It’s the hierarchy. That’s what sucks. That’s why us horizontals equally reject capitalism & patriarchy.

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Back in the day, a White Moderate ancestor of @clovis8 's got to see her very first photograph. It was a pix of an abolitionist flag. To which she exclaimed…

“Problem solved. We can all go home now and enjoy our slavery free world !”

LOL @ White Moderates, forever & always !!!1!

He works for a massive company with many layers of management who worry that they won’t get to keep their jobs and much bigger than average salaries if people don’t need as much managing. In a large publicly traded company, that goes all the way to the top. The stock holders don’t rule, the managers do.


You should post more slogans. Each one you post raises the average salary of the poor by 1%. Each time you call someone an idiot or liberal it’s raises 2%. You are doing gods work here.

Like this…


Johnny you shouldn’t feel shut down. Most people definitely think you’re one of the best posters here, and I agree. Certainly better than the rest at promoting anti-capitalist positions. I just think your expectation of humans is too high. Most people ultimately care about themselves, their family, and people around them, in that order. No one here was doing everything in their power to reduce global suffering before the pandemic, and nothing will change after. We all understand the hypocrisy and unfairness.

The similarity between the coffee thread and this one is people directing their ire at those who are trying to do good yet are far from perfect and still make mistakes, versus the actual people and institutions that are causing the most harm. This is what so many of us feel is unproductive.

Don’t be so hard on yourself or on others. We can only do so much given our biology.


Well said.

Clovis and Alex are selfish humans so why even try to do anything?