General Strike May 1st: no Work, no Shopping, no School

Thank you. I like you too.

I will tell you my theory is that power corrupts and only assholes want power in the first place anyway. It doesn’t matter whether power is achieved by hereditary title, election, or revolution.

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I’m not really of the same mind as the standard working-class cheerleader and don’t really want anything I say limited to some class of people defined by how they work or how much money they make. I really just mean “most people” “typical people” “your average joe or joan”.

I will add/amend this to say democracy is still the best. The more people whose support you need the nicer you have to be to more people. There can still be plenty of tyranny of the majority and “GOVERNMENTS LIE”, but it’s better than an unelected leader.

When was Lenin elected? Not only wasn’t he elected, he lost the election in November 1917 to Viktor Chernov who was driven out by the Bolsheviks and fled to Europe and then the US.

Always with the concern trolling.

How do you convince enough people to support your strike for it to have any effect if you’re already writing off left-liberals as concern trolls?

What is your profession and how much money do you make a year?

I’m a poker player and why the hell does it matter?

Always nice to know about someone’s background before talking about a subject with them

Well first, I don’t do activism @ Unstuck. LOL @ anyone who thinks they are. We are only conspicuously wasting time for our own amusements. Second, I wouldn’t have been writing off all the liberals… only @boredsocial, who is a self-proclaimed lost cause.

Anyways, he is concern trolling. He’s telling us that a general strike is “unwise and untimely”. Hmm… sounds familiar…

While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities “unwise and untimely”…

This whole so-called objection is idiotic, of course.

There’s a whole lotta stupid to unpack here. I’ve already mentioned the concern trolling. Then we got this shiz… “a lot of smart people on this board… should be trying to come up with new shit.” Apparently a 21st century solution is pinning your hopes on a tiny website of ex-poker players. Then we got this: “bend/twist capitalism into something that isn’t so harmful”. Only a liberal would be so fucking stupid to imagine capitalism can be reformed. LOL @ liberals, for always !!!1!


But amidst all that idiocy, there is a nugget of a point to be found.

This general strike is nothing at all like, say the 1919 Seattle General Strike. Apples and oranges different.

Here’s what’s going on: the employing class values profits >>>> us. They are going to recklessly sacrifice our lives by “opening up for business”. The less of us who heed this call to “open up”, the less of us die. To save our lives, we need disobey the employing class, and not go to work. All of us, regardless of what kind of work we do.

Disobeying the boss, and not going to work, is called a “strike”. When everyone does it, it’s called a “general strike”. Just that simple. If you want to call it a general strike in name only… fine. Just don’t fucking go to work !!!1!

This entire thread is a an absolute cartoon.

All bosses are slave owners?

Jesus. Try living a tiny bit in the real world.


Bernie Sanders and AOC are slave owners apparently.

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He asks because he is so far gone he honestly believes the value of your ideas is not based on their inherent logic but by your monthly income.

LOL @ a liberal claiming any familiarity with the real world. So, this is a poll for the liberals. Next week, in the real world, would you say…

  • When the capitalists order us back to work, meekly complying is our best choice. The capitalists have only our own best interests in mind like always, and never their own perverted greed. We need to trust our capitalist overlords with our lives, and be willing to sacrifice our lives for their greater profit, whenever and wherever they order us to do so. It’s the liberal way.
  • Hell no, I won’t go !!!1!
0 voters

Liberals: Hi ho, Hi ho, it’s meekly off work we go… to die for our capitalist overlord’s profits.

Rage: Fuck you, we won’t do what our capitalist overlords tell us !!!1!

If only any of the “evil liberals” were saying you should.

You are a cartoon.

Well, once again, any liberals who refused to go back to work… would be participating in the general strike.

While any liberals like you, who feel the general strike is an “entire… absolute cartoon”, are implying folks should go sacrifice themselves for someone else’s profits.

It’s a really simple choice: meekly acquiesce and die -vs- be defiant and live. Which side are you on ???/?

Tom Morello, member of the LA GMB, covering Florence Reece, the wife of Sam Reece, a union organizer for the United Mine Workers in Harlan County, Kentucky.

It looks like Sabo lives by me.

Btw, this thread totally needs someone who lives in a country with mandated worker representation on corporate boards to explain that we just need to find better jobs.



I can’t remember aren’t you a business owner?

My problem with a mayday strike is simple. It won’t be effective. It has close to zero chance of accomplishing anything.

This is why the right wins so much. They actually realize there is a game to play and play it. Then once they have won power they change the rules as they see fit.

They put in the years of hard work to win.

Too much of the left wants to just skip the hard work. They want to simply declare the game rigged and pretend that is a victory. It’s not. You haven’t won anything.

Protests are important. I’ve been to many. But they are one tiny piece of the puzzle, not the whole game.

It’s also a really bad idea to mix the message of something like a mayday protest, which will have very little broad support, with a protest to refuse an early opening of the county in the midst of covid, which will have huge support.

The later makes sense. Focus the message on that.