Fun Poster Data

I beat Johnny!! Woo Hoo!


We had almost twice as many likes today as yesterday (with the day only 2/3rds over with). Lots of love going around!


The most searched for terms on this forum, dwarfing several others you’d expect to see in there, are “inso” and “luckbox.”

They’re aggressively searching for themselves on here. Lmao. Funniest shit I’ve seen in a while.

Hi luckbox, you stupid fuck! Hey inso, have you been arrested for raiding the capital yet?


It has to be a self search. Why would anyone here search those terms so often? It only shows a 1 year snapshot, but for luckbox especially (who has twice as many searches as inso) it’s nearly once per day. No one here is doing that.

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At least inso posted here before…

yeah luckbox, since you are apparently reading this, good god man, what is wrong with you?

I usually am aware of almost every reference to 22 and typically most well known posters, especially the morons. But for some reason I’m fortunate enough not to be aware of luckbox.

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Columbine denier. Even when faced with someone who knew someone who died from Columbine. Yeah that fucking bad.

All his takes are equally as bad (well not equally, but still really fucking bad)


Holy shit that is hilarious and sad. Could you imagine being that insecure and that in need of attention that you search your name on a random internet forum every day? I just…wow.


He was mostly confined to the POG politics thread but I think he has ventured out to the main forum now. Just an idiot conspiracy theory dude who loves youtubez

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Shout out Mason et al letting a Columbine denier post on their site, A+ work.

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That is hysterical. I almost ever have to search for things on here.

It’s really infrequently. Those crack me up. I can’t imagine ever doing that, but I don’t care what people are saying about me.

Seriously Luckbox, do you think we are conspiring against you?

We are.


Sure would be confusing if someone started searching “Marksman” 100x day…


Also if you combine the results for inso + inso0 or whatever his stupid screen name is, you get almost as many as luckbox.

He came into the politics forum along with Kelhus and a bunch of other godawful posters back when WN took over the forum and decided to unban all of the shittiest posters in history.

I only search for things to be sure that I haven’t posted it earlier.

Never wanted to see what people are posting about me lol

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Searching for your own name online to see if people are writing about you


My screen name had 44 searches and I honestly couldn’t tell you if those were vanity searches, genuine, or me being drunk and trying to find something I posted earlier. Probably a combination of all 3.

I actually did search my own Jake recently lol maybe there first time.

I posted a picture of Joe Biden’s dog with Biden cropped out and then I could not find it.

Don’t know what happened to it. It’s possible I never fully posted it.

So maybe that is what those guys were doing too.

I search my name if I’m looking for a specific old post. Wake up at 3am.

“Was that joke as funny as I remember…?”

spends two hours finding the joke

considers deleting account

“What have I done”