Forward! Or: Andrew Yang Might Actually Be A Troll

I don’t expect skydiver to move from her hard-embattled position that Pete did nothing in the slightest to hurt working-class people in America, but I’d expect Yang supporters to have a bit more head on their shoulders when it comes to sniffing out people who care more about their donors than feeding the poor and healing the sick.

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I don’t think anything is being “celebrated”.

Sky thinks this is a good addition to team Yang and offered her reasons why.

I looked up your candidate btw and am going to donate to her too.

The number 1 pete shill in the forum said that this is an “amazing asset” and an “incredible hire” please can it with nitting up my choice of words in “celebrate”

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Pop the champagne!

I am surprised none of them said, “He’s a Chinese spy”.

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We definitely would not want a world where everyone is better off to the point they could donate money to whomever they choose.

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We should end private “financing“ bribery…


See also DC, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Alabama

I guess you just completely missed the point, which is that Yang just hired the person responsible for the wine caves he is throwing shade on in that quote

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lol the more I hear about what this guy wants to do and the details to his policies the less I like him


yeah, virtually everyone who slammed me for working in tech startups and behemoths, and then suddenly started doing virtual touchdowns over yang’s UBI plan. my response then and now is, “you hate SV but you trust this guy?”

tbf, yang may still be ok, even as he has to toe the line when speaking to the woke rich. it’s kind of a shame that NYC microeconomics are so f’ed up that $250k/yr in manhattan feels like you are a pauper, and their city taxes could be a lot more progressive. it projects poorly for national conversation and optics, but i probably wouldn’t call that nyc’s biggest problem. still waiting for yang to find a platform.

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Yang gets cast as a super rich tech guy, but his bio doesn’t read like that. He started a company that did philanthropy - didn’t get big. Started Venture For America, which was an economic opportunity thing that got attention, but didn’t get huge. And started Humanity Forward to promote UBI. He’s worth $3-$4M. He as an undergrad degree in political science and econ and a law degree.

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No candidate for mayor of any reasonably large city who runs on not raising taxes should be taken even remotely seriously.

Total clown continues to tackle the big issues in NYC, the people selling mangos and churros

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Come on, man, he wants to make New York FUN again!!!

By going after street vendors I guess

Someone should campaign on making NYC fun again by returning Times Square to its pre-Giuliani reputation.