First Impressions Containment Thread


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People don’t quote, not just here, because a million years ago Threaded Mode was a thing.

I was tempted to quote that entire thing and just reply ‘QFT’.

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True but I wanted an allusion to Nick B and QFTgate. Oldschoolers like you might get a kick out of that if your memory was sufficiently jogged.

Hello peeps. First post here.

Everything looks great. Thanks to everybody who put in time and effort to make this site looks so good.


I think we should all adopt hobbes’ style and paste text with no indication whatsoever that another person is being quoted.


Too bad the counterweight on your guys’ web pages is so heavy you get so tuckered out scrolling that you can’t stand seeing the same text twice knowing you’ve just expended so much of your limited scroll-strength making it past 2 inches of redundant text…

It’s a bad design choice that nits foisted on the rest of the internet and makes it impossible to read a thread without having to click around like a final round of Starcraft.


OK, don’t be alarmed, it’s my failing memory, not yours. It was in fact not Nick B but a different mod. I had to search the archived forum :ghost::zombie::skull:

That said, does the QFT kerfuffle ring any bells?

the mod was Daryn

I think we should all adopt hobbes’ style and paste text with no indication whatsoever that another person is being quoted. Yeah I’m a big fan of that one.


I think we should all adopt hobbes’ style and paste text with no indication whatsoever that another person is being quoted. Yeah I’m a big fan of that one. QFT.

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adopt hobbes’ style and paste text with no indication whatsoever that another person is being quoted. Yeah I’m a big fan of that one, QFT

Get it right chuckleheads…

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Loving the new site guys. Well done to all involved.


I just noticed that there’s a subtle difference in Reply Count colors in the Suggested Topics list once you hit the bottom of a thread. In my skin (not sure if it differs across skins), they are normally dark gray, but threads with a “high like to post ratio” are actually colored brown. Pretty cool.

Hey all -

A bit of feedback from a lurker.

Where/how do I donate? Serious question - I know you don’t want to make it over the top, but find a way to integrate this feature. I get much of my news from here now (maybe you’re on to something), continue to push the monetization as it’s a huge driver of content (formatting, touchpoints…this levels up to content).

I get much of my news here via Twitter posts - I don’t use twitter myself and I’m now auto clicking here before my brain auto clicks to shitty old CNN. I would love it if you aggregated ~5 or 8 twitter accounts in some kind of news thread. Like only the most respected and legit of them. None of that /a thread shit - although I love a rabbit hole.

A note of encouragement to those working on this site - much respect and thank you to all contributing. I value my news collecting ability here more than any other resource. Want to give $ to support but seriously don’t know how (double tap if you suck at computers).

For those involved, continue to grow the community and bring in as many reasonable, good faith POVs as possible. I love this group but we need more thoughtful contrarians like Keed. Also shout to @nunnehi as you’re long winded af but articulate.

This community is so informed and thoughtful - thank you so much. I’ve watched from the sidelines as you’ve transformed from 2P2, Exiled, and now this.

Much respect…people are reading…


This is our Patreon page:

You’re right, we should have that linked somewhere prominently here. There are a lot of loose ends and interface work that still needs to be done.


Boom, donated (recurring). :facepunch:


Me too now.


Great site. Easy and intuitive interface. Just missing the superuser passwords, but otherwise a delightful experience.

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