Fashion and Apparel - Deals and Showcase

My normal dress shoe budget is in the $100-$150 range. What makes these worth the $425 price tag? Not saying they aren’t, just genuinely curious if these are the goat shoe or something.

They probably aren’t worth $425 but they are definitely worth the $200 sale. They are one of those buy it for life products as long as you take care of them. Quality material and craftsmanship. I bought the Oxford 5th Ave cap.

I’ve also never seen this big of a sale on the main product lines.

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I got Strands for like $220 a couple years back, and I like them a lot, but I’m a poker player who rarely dresses up so it seems like I only get to wear them like 5x a year. So it was probably a waste of money for me.

You look dope 5x a year though. Worth it.

When I was online dating, I added a pic in a nice blazer and the Strands and that pic got like 5x as many comments as any other. So maybe they were worth it.


I’m like Fossilkid in that I rarely wear them, but nearly every time I do people compliment them


If anyone happens to be in the neighborhood, this is worth some time


JACHS NY having a big sale on men’s apparel. I just scooped a couple pairs of pants at 60% off.

I need new everyday sneakers that are both functional for lots of activity and look nice enough to wear on the occasions I care about appearances but don’t need dress shoes. Something between a cross trainer and a dress sneaker ideally. The stores around me carry decent dress shoes but hideous sneakers, and I want something in between. Seems like every sneaker out now has that gigantic rubber outer sole along the back sides and heel. Any suggestions where to look?